Marcia Kirwan Standley Papers

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Pages That Mention Cookie




It lasts until 10:45 and then I walk a couple of blocks to 11:00 mass at St. Ann's. A very convenient 5 bucks. My buddy who got me the bill-collecting job got this one for me.

Pam is just about ready to be censured. I'm sitting with the Tues. afternoon Terrors, Pam and Peter. I let her play with the hose, and after changing their already dirty clothes once, things were wet but peaceful until she decided to give the living-room the once-over wetly. I am now even more thoroughly convinced that cork tile is ideal. Anyway, the backyard will be nice and green. The drapes will dry too. These Eichler homes can really take it. At the moment, they're polishing off the last quart of milk.

Are you still having attacks of [Meniere's?] disease? I assume not, if you are able to fall off bar stools again, and come up laughing. If it's recurrent, as it says in the article, I assume that you don't do a great deal of driving. It's a shame that they don't have nice bars down there like they have up here. Of course, there's only one Rudy's. Liz hadn't been off her cane for a week when her two bartenders went out and got themselves hospitalized in a motorcycle accident. They moved one of the fellows from San Jose to the Pally hospital last Fri. The road from Rudy's to that hospital looks to be a well worn one. He'll be there for months.

I'm glad you're feeling well enough to send me cartoon and napkins from the Chi-Chi. My love to Daddy, Grandmother, Cookie and Destiny. Love, Marcia

Last edit 11 months ago by MatyasNiedermeier




Kevin hasn't been around all week. I guess he got a little upset last Sat. night, because I bawled him out. He doesn't really care much about anybody but Kevin. That's okay with me, as long as he doesn't use me or anyone else to his advantage. But he only comes around when he has that on his mind.

Tonite I put a new rear tire & a lower gear on my motorcycle to make it more effective, i.e., safer in the mud & rain. I'm not teasing you, just giving you a little material to me in fostering an objective attitude.

Give my love to Daddy. Grandmother, Cookie & Destiny, & please bring Cookie with you when you come up next.

Joan & Vince never showed, I didn' remember whether you said they were going to, or not.

Is the diaper lift still going on?

Love Marcia

P.S. If you can, could you send me some Miltowns. Food for going to sleep. I'm still unwinding

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Jannyp




10/24/57 Fri.

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Thank you for your letters and enclosures. Enclosed is a clipping from Wed.'s financial page. I thought it might interest you to hear of Jack Egan's good fortune.

Jack Shelter was here this morning. He certainly looks good togged out in his black suit. I showed him the wedding proofs and gave him a clipping from the Palo Alto times regarding our wedding, for you. Since the photographer who did our wedding book was a personal friend of Jim's mother, we have the negatives as well as the proofs. I will have a set printed up for you if you would like one. There are 28 of them.

Glad to hear that you are all so well, especially Cookie. Jack told me about her little jump. She really is amazing. We are all well and happy, busy with a thousand projected pro jects, including the thank you notes. I haven't even begun to think of my own neglected correspondence yet. The wedding gifts still dribble in. Could you please supply me with addresses for the Clevelands and the Millers. Both sent luncheon sets. There has been quite a run on those things, and when we get a few more, we will be in great shape to open a pizza parlor. They are all very lovely, of course. The [Gossmans?] sent us a set of knives, all sizes, very nice, the one thing that we did not receive and we didn't realize it until their gift arrived. We have really been wheeling and dealing with our three electric frying pans, two electric mixers, and two pop-corn poppers. We traded one of the poppers with some other newly-weds for a waffleiron, and one of the frying pans for a toaster. One of the mixers is ear-marked for a Christmas present, and we're keeping two of the frying pans since most people who start with one, usually buy another.


It was one of those weekends when you don't get anything done but you don't stop moving. We did get the groceries in. We have an awful time plotting where to buy them, & which sale to hit. We're working on a deal to get our meat wholesale. Two other couples who we knew before they on we got married, came over, one in the afternoon, one in the evening, on Sunday, & so whirls the weekend away, to paraphrase the poet.

Tues. Saw [Fr. Ferney?] yesterday. He certainly looks & sounds better since his European vacation. Sunday the church was filled with Freshmen, for whom [?] they have an excellent Western [Civ.?] seminar at [N?] man & I just hope the lecture program this year is good as what they have for freshmen. [Ber?]

Last edit almost 6 years ago by cwhite27




on her upper gum thus. Could these be eye-teeth? At five and a half weeks!? As soon as she wakes up I'm going to call my sister-in-law, whose 4th baby was born 2 months to the day before Eileen, & find out a little about teething. All I know is that rubbing whiskey on the gums relieves them, but at 5 1/2 weeks, maybe she just has a couple of cleverly placed canker-sores. Anyway, no booze until we're sure.

Marie Murphy & Mike were here the other day, & brought a darling little sunsuit for Eileen. We've been intending to invite Mike over for dinner some night, as soon as my cooking gets a little fancier. At the moment, it's a race to get dinner ready & eaten before Eileen requires attention. I'm developing a nice repetoire of hamburger, one course dinner recipes. He's gone down to spend a month with Denny, so we should be past this little chaos by then. Oh well, it's a good thing Jim can cook!

Give our love to Kevin & Cookie.

Love, Marcia

P.S. I think the pictures on the next roll are better, as we have become more expert with that film.

Last edit 11 months ago by MatyasNiedermeier
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