Mount Auburn Cemetery

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Pages That Mention Lot 4374

1876 Copying Book: Superintendent's Letters, 2005.062.007




List No. 2

Mr. A. A. Barker Dear Sir

The following Lots have been numbered but are unsold at present date

#576 Maple Ave
2420 Spruce A rear of 1987
3995 Fountain A.
4303 Garden A.
4308 Halcyon A.
4374 Vernonia P.
4379 Marigold Pa
4390 Elm A,
4010 Clethra Pa
If these are sold the original number is to be retained. The above are not all numbered on the ground but all have numbers on the maps

Yours &c J. W. Lovering Sup.t per Child

Last edit 7 months ago by Jannyp
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