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Pages That Mention Ipecacuanha

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Benjamin Barton Smith notebook on materia medica circa 1796-1798. B MS b52.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 19)

(seq. 19)




and insufficiency of Linneus arrangements, though his classes may have some resemblance, his class Pentaria is an exception, in this class he places Chinchona, Strammonicum, Jalap, Ipecacuanha, and Potatoe, all which possess very different virtues. In his class Herinaria he has Rice, Pine Apple, Garlic, Squills, and Alloes. In the 13th Class Some of the most excellent plants with hellebore, Chocolate, and Gamboge, these are sufficient to prove the unnatural arrangement of Linneus. Dr Rush has divided the system into particular or minor systems and is proposed to class them as they operate on each of those. In some such method I think a division might be made of more lasting duration, but I fear the time has not yet arived for a complete arangement on this plan it would be easy to shun the objections such a system would be liable to. I reject the idea of one medicine being confined in its operation to one system alone. Opium for instance operates on several, this is evident from its carrying a more evident secretion of bile, and in the yellow fever brings back lost pain, in the viscus, it acts on the lungs increasing the secretion of

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 117)

(seq. 117)


Materia Medica


hesitation. I was called to Mrs Alcock in whoom life was almost extinct from loss of blood and she at the same time pregnant. I gave her grs 1fs [½ grain] of Sach. Sat. and the same of opium which relieved her in a few minutes, in an hour afterward the flooding returned and she was again relieved by the same medicine she recovered entirely and carried her child the usual time. I have used sach sat in hemorrhages of the bowels with the happiest effects, and without ever producing any symptoms of colic. I sometimes combine Ipecacuanha with the lead which is in many cases a valuable addition. I gave to Mr __ who had lost a great deal of blood by the bowels,

Rx Ipecaccuanha grs iv [4 grains] Sach. Sat. grs iij [3 grains] Sach. Alba X grs [10 grains]

M. fit, pulv No iv one to be taken every hour, this entirely relieved the patient. I have known it stop a hemorrhage from the nose by being snuffed up. I gave it in a dose of grs viij [8 grains] combined with grs 1 [1 grain] of opium to a negro in a case of Epytaxis, with the happiest effects in Leucorrhea, injections of lead have been used with the happiest effects in Gonorrhea I gave the Sach. Sat. internally in three or four cases of the disease, when this but would not recommend it when the disease will yield to injections.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 150)

(seq. 150)



by medium of the capillaries hence they were induced to use such medicines as evaluate this peccant matter through the pores and none were so peculiarly suited as Diaphoretics, but there is nothing specific in their operation here, and the particular requisite is to watch the state of the system.

Exanthemata. In this class of diseases when the skin is immediately the seat, their use is self evident, but if the skin is hot previous depletion is requisite and indespensable and will then readily affect a cure.

Profluvia. As Catarrhs, Dysentary, Diarrhea &c. In Dysentary I have succeeded in affecting a cure by flannel being worn next the skin, preparations of Ipecac were used

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 152)

(seq. 152)



half a century ago it has been emphatically called by Richter a rheumatism or catarrh of the intestines, and he used a preparation of Dovers powders. I think we have purged too much in this disease, one of the use of Purgatives being to increase secretions of mucus already too copiously effused from the follicles of the intestines. I have tried with the greatest advantage in combination of

Rx Ipecac ℈ i [1 scruple] Opium grs V [5 grains]

M. and made into ten pills of which give one every two hours. When the irritation has been verry great I administer anodoyne enemeta composed of such a portion of the ingredients as to 4 or 5 tablespoonfull of Laud with starch in the 24 hours.

Cholera Morbus & Infantum. I have used Diaphoretics with great advantage. In cholera Infantum it may

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 158)

(seq. 158)



Phlegmasia. In this class of disease strict attention must be paid to the surface of the body regarding its temperature, if that be above the sweating point it must be reduced by bloodletting or any other depleting remidy, as cold.

Rheumatism. Here cold would be improper to the joint and their use should be supply'd by Saline effervescing draughts at which time Diaphoretics are highly usefull, a combination of Ipecacuanha, calomel, and cicuta are verry deservedly praised, the extract of cicuta in dose of 10 or 12 grains is verry usefull; In the confirmed cronic State, Stimulants are necessary, there are Guaicum, Mezereon, Vol. Alkali, Sarsaparilla and Savin, which last I particularly recommend from my own experience in the alms hous [house], here the pulse was verry feeble,

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
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