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Chinese Club Minute Book, 1916-1963




Jan. 9, 1917.

At 7:30 P.M. the first business meeting was called to order by Mr. Lee.

The election for new officers followed immediately. Those elected for the semester are: Mr. S.K. Lau, President. Mr. K.C. Kwong, Chinese Sec'y and Treasurer. Mr. J.G.C. Mei, English Secretary.

The following committees were appointed by the President: Athletic Committee, Mr. H.W. Pai; Social Committee, Mr. T.T. Lee.

The following motions were seconded and carried: 1. Individual photographs shall be taken for the 1918 Junior Quad. 2. Our next social gathering shall be held some time during the mid-semester vacation. 3. The Chinese Secretary shall write to the Chinese Quarterly.

Having no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.

Yours respectfully, J.G.C. Mei Secretary

Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou


April 20, 1917.

At 7:45 P.M. the meeting was called to order by Pres. Lau. Thru unavoidable causes this regular meeting was two late. The absentees were Messrs. Bush and Hall.

There was an informal discussion of our next social gathering in honor of the C.S. Club of U.C.

All present agreed to contribute the required sum suggested by Mr. Lee, if a suitable place could be found.

Mr. Mei agreed to cooperate with the social committee so that definite plans must be had within two weeks.

The question of the Japanese invitation was brought forth by Mr. Lau. The general opinion was that we should accept it and attend the first social meeting of the Japanese Club.

Having no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35.

Yours Respectfully, J.G.C. Mei, Secretary.

May 4, 1917.

At 7:30 P.M. the regular meeting of the month was called to order by Pres. Lau. The absentees were Messrs. Bush and Hall.

The following motions were passed: (Motion made by Mr. Kwong): our social gathering in honor of the C.S. Club of U.C. be called off on account of unavoidable causes and difficulties. This was seconded by Mr. Pai.

(Motion made by Mr. Kwong, seconded by Mr. Lee): that our club shall contribute to the Stanford University Library the Chinese

Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou


Oct. 2, 1917.

On the evening of Oct. 2, at 7.45 P.M., the members assembled for the initial meeting of the Autumn quarter and Mr. Mei presided. Immediately a motion was made and seconded that the following be admitted into the club:- Mr. Ying L. Pun Mr. Clarence K. Chan Mr. W. J. Chang Mr. William C. Meh

An election for new officers for this quarter was held. The following were elected by the majority ballot:-

Mr. James H. Hall - President Mr. William C. Meh - English Secretary Mr. Ying L. Pun - Chinese Secretary and Treasurer

The new set of officers were immediately inaugurated after election and Mr. Hall presided over the meeting hereon.

Mr. Pai brought forth the question of choosing a representative of our club to the C.S.A. conference. As a result, Mr. Mei was elected to that office by the majority ballot.

The [fee?] for this club was moved and seconded to be fixed at 50 cents for the quarter. It was agreed that extra assessments be made of the members for special occasions, suchas social

Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou


Discussion of giving a social was brought forth. Many suggestions were made. The following motion was made by Mr. Meh and seconded by Mr. Chan that :- At least one social will be given each year and additional ones during the year may be given upon passing the majority vote of the members. President Hall appointed Mr. C.K. Chan as chairman of the social committee with the privilege of selecting his own assistants.

Athletic activities were discussed and Mr. Pai is appointed, by chairman Hall to be chairman of the athletic committee with the statement that all those who enter into any kind of athletics at all, is a member of that committee.

Mr. Chang suggested that we have letter heads of the club on our stationery. It was decided that the price of engraving this be found out before any definite action will be taken on it.

It was moved and seconded that the Chinese Students' Monthly be presented to the Stanford Univ. annually.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

Respectfully Yours. W.C. Meh (Eng. Secretary)

Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou
Needs Review


Jan. 2, 1918:

At 7:10 P.M. the first business meeting of the year was called to order by Pres. J.H. Hall.

An election of new officers was held immediately. The result was as follows:

Mr. S.K. Wong, President. Mr. Y.L. Pun, Chinese Secretary and treasurer. Mr. J.G.C. Mei, English Secretary.

At 7:20 P.M. Pres. Wong took the chair. The following committees were appointed: Mr. C.K. Chan, athletic committee Mr. J.H. Hall, social committee

An informal discussion was held about our future intercollegiate athletic activities, and the next social gathering. The latter is to be held on Saturday evening, March 23, 1918.

Having no other business, Mr. W.C. Meh moved for adjournment and Mr. Hall seconded, the meeting adjourned at 7:43 P.M.

Yours respectfully, J.G.C. Mei Sec'ry

Members: Clarence K. Chan (陳伯權) W.J. Chan (張為[illegible]) J.H. Hall (何廷光) William C. Meh (麥) J.G.C. Mei (梅忠欽) H.W. Pai () Y.L. Pun () S.K. Wong (黃)

New members admitted on Feb. 1, 1918: Chi-Chen Liu (刘[illegible]人) Chia-Yung Hsieh (謝)

Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou
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