



Status: Complete

Saturday the 25th Oct 1834
Began with light breezes from the
Sth ward at day light. In the morning
set top sails and steered to the
E ward by the wind. Soon raised
whales. Lored [lowered] struck and killed one and
[drawing of whale's tail] gutt him. In latter part fresh wind
and rain. At sun set Tristran [Trustan?] bears
S W distance 55 miles. Took in
sail. So remains all well. The ESE [no other words]

Sunday the 26th
The day began with fresh winds from
ESE and rain. Middle experienced
a heavy gale from East. Latter the
gale rather a bates and [bants?] to the N
ward. At sun set set our fore sail and
began to boil. Supposed we saw the
land bearing Sth per compass
distance 25 miles. Nothing more occured [occurred].
So remains. No obs Lat 36:35
Long 11:40 by chronometer

Monday the 27th
First part of these 24 hours fresh
breezes NE ly by. Employed in boiling.
Middle the wind and weather the
same. Employed in stowing down
latter part heavy gales about W.
At 7 oclok [o'clock] PM furled our fore
sail. At 10 finsihed [boining?] and
set a gr watch. Nothing more
occured. So remains. Lat obsd 36:02
Long 11:20 per count

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