Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute book, 1889-1895



Needs Review


Minutes of Meeting Nov 19th 1894.

The President called the meeting to order and reported the result of her interview with Mr J.W. Chatterson as being ver satisfactory, and the attitude of the other members of the Board as probably favorable. It was thought advisable to see some of the prominent teachers, and Miss Beeler and Miss Leib were selected for this work. The President and Mrs Bergmann were also to see the President of the School Board and others, to get their opinion in regard to school suffrage. The change in the constitution regarding state fees, voted upon at the last meeting, was ratified by a full vote of those present. Miss Leib was requested to see if the lecture room of the Unitarian Church could be procured for a lecture by Miss Susan B Anthony in Jauary. Meeting the adjourned.

Minutes of Meeting Dec 10th 1894.

The meeting was called to order by the President and a report given of visits by herself and Mrs Bergmann to the Pres. of the School Board, and five Trustees, all of whom seemed quite favorable and encouraging in regard to the school suffrage work. Miss Beeler ad Miss Leib also reported having visited quite a number of teachers, and found them cordially in favor of the movement. Miss Leib reported that we could have the Unitarian Sunday School room for Miss Anthony's lecture. On motion it was accepted with cordial thanks. A motion was made that we engage Miss Anthony, which was carried. The meeting then adjourned.

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Needs Review


Minutes of Meeting January 7th 1895.

Meeting at the home of the President, eight members present. In the absence of the secretary the minutes were dispensed with, and the meeting proceeded to business. A letter was read from Mrs Rachel Foster Avery, asking that Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt who was traveling with Mrs Anthony be received and divide the time of the lecture. It as moved and carried that Mrs Avery be telegraphed that Mrs Catt would be welcomed. Moved and carried that the gentlemen of the Church of the Messiah who usually act as ushers be asked to help the E.R.A. in that capacity. Also that they be asked to take up a collection. Moved and carried that the special advertising be done by means of tickets for distribution, and that 500 be ordered of the Courier job printing Co. if practicable. Moved and carried that Dr Jones Dr Heywood and Dr Boyce be invited to take part in the opening and closing exercises. The following committees were appointed: Mrs Leech on flowers. Mrs Watts and Miss Green on press and tickets. Mrs Geo Avery on entertainment, Miss Leib on room, ushers and collection. Meeting then adjourned.

Report of Lecture. By Miss Leib, sec for the evening. On January 12th Miss Susan B. Anthony and Miss Carrie Chapman Catt lectured at the Sunday school of the Church of the Messiah under the auspices of the Equal Rights Association. The meeting was well attended there being insufficient room to accomodate all. The Rev. C.J.K. Jones - pastor of the church opened the meeting by a short address introducing Miss Anthony. She delivered a lecture on "Suffrage for Women" in which she gave a interesting account of the earlier difficulties and trials which presented

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Needs Review


themselves to the pioneers of equal rights for women. Her address was received with much applause and interest. Mrs Catt was next introduced and addressed the audience. She drew a vivid picture of "how things are today", Miss Anthony having spoke of the past. Mrs Catt gave a sketch of the workings of woman suffrage in Wyoming where it has been in force twenty five years. She held up Wyoming as a model of commonwealths. At the close of Mrs Catts address a vote of thanks to both speakers was moved by Mr A.S. Munn and seconded by Mr Frank N. Hartwell. There was no collection taken up as the pastor and trustees of the church objected. After the meeting the following persons wished their names enrolled as members of the E.R.A. Miss Carolyn Leech Miss Sara A. Webb Mr & Mrs J.H. Gundt Miss Sallie S. Maury Dr Julia Ingram Mrs Maggie Cragg Bell Mr A.S. Munn Miss Annie Moore Miss Anna J. Hamilton

Last edit 7 months ago by nelliemac
Needs Review


Minutes of Meeting February 4th 1895.

The meeting was called to order by the President, and the minutes of the previous meeting read, also a report from the Treasurer. It was moved and carried that a vote of thanks be sent to Mr Jones for the use of the church rooms for Miss Anthony's lecture and also for the interest he displayed in the meeting. Moved and carried that the Treasurer be authorized to pay all outstanding bills. A request having been made by Mrs Farmer that we help the other towns by circulating their petitions along with ours for the right of voting for school trustees, it was moved and carried that we do so if at the time it seems wise. The meeting then proceeded to the election of officers for the following year, with the following result:

President - Mrs Susan L Avery 1st Vice President- Mr A S Munn 2nd Vice President - Mrs C A Leech Cor. Secretary - Miss Caroling Leib Rec. Secretary - Miss Lorena Green Treasurer - Mrs W H Bradbury

The meeting then adjourned to March 4th.

Minutes of Meeting March 4th 1895. The meeting was called to order by the vice President and the minutes read by the acting secretary, who reported notes received from Mrs Avery, Miss Leib, and Miss Green, each declining, for good reasons, to act in the offices to which they had been elected. It was moved and carried that these declinations be accepted. Later in the meeting, Miss Leib coming in, was prevailed upon to reconsider hers. Then upon a vote

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Needs Review


was taken and she was unanimously elected Corresponding secretary for the year. The offices of President and Recording Secretary now being vacant Mr A.S. Munn was chosen unanimously as President, and the Cor. Sec.; requested to inform him, with an urgent appeal that he accept. The vote for recording secretary resulted in the election of Mrs M.F. Hibberd to fill that office. It was moved that Dr Heywood and wife be made honorary members of the E.R.A. in appreciation of his many efforts in our behalf, and his earnest advocacy of equal rights. This was carried by a rising vote. A motion was made and carried that Dr Jones be made an honorary member for this year, in recognition of his courtesy and interest at the time of Miss Anthony's lecture, and on various occasions. Mrs Leech then devoted a few minutes to a drill in the proper manner of putting and seconding motions, and making amendments. It was moved and carried that we give a portion of the time of our meetings to parliamentary drill, as the need of such knowledge is felt by all.

March 1895. The members of the E.R.A. were invited by Mrs Leech to meet Miss Laura Clay, who was passing through the City on her return from a visit to several points in the state, made in the interest of the State E.R.A. Miss Clay gave an interesting and enthusiastic account of the feeling aroused at these points. She also gave an outline of work to be persued this year. The local associations were requested to distribute literature at their own expense- the Louisville organization Taking Jefferson County - the literature to be obtained of the Woman's Journal, Boston Mass. The work

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