Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute book, 1889-1895



Needs Review


and papers read before the Convention.

The question was laid on the table until the next meeting. The writer also wished to know what the Asso. could do towards forming a club of 25 new subscribers, at $1.50 each to take Woman's Journal. The management of which would make a cash donation of $20.00 to the Treasury of State Asso. or to local Asso. forming such a club. No definite action was taken, except to lay the matter before the Asso. as the subscription to W.J. is so general in our Asso. The element of the Convention to be published in Louisville papers.

A letter was read from Mrs Clara Colby of Beatrice Neb. asking for subscriptions to her paper The Woman's Tribune.

A collection of $10.75 was taken in to assist Mrs Henry in her legislative work.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Last edit 3 months ago by MaryV
Needs Review


Minutes of Regular Monthly Meeting

Jan 3rd 1890

The meeting was called to order by the Pres. at the regular home, with a goodly number in attendance.

After the usual devotional exercises, the business of the meeting was opened with the reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting, which were accepter, as read.

The Treas. read a statement of the receipts and disbursements for the past year, showing that $814.00 had been taken in to the Treasury, and $10.05 paid out, leaving a balance on hand of $3.95. The report was accepted. The Sec'y read a letter from Miss Clay, and another from Mrs Henry of the same purport, requesting that a Com. be appointed from this Asso. for the purpose of interviewing the legislator from this district concerning the Woman's Property Rights Bill.

The Pres. appointed Mrs Rogers and Bergmann to serve on this Com.

Mrs Avery read a letter from Susan B. Anthony on suffrage work in South Dakota; and a circular signed by Lucy Stone, Julia Ward Horse and Mary A. Livermore, "To the Constitutional Conventions of the Four States.

Last edit 7 months ago by nelliemac
Needs Review


A motion was made, that until further notice, the hour for holding these meetings should be at 3:00P.M. and as here-to-fore on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. Sec. and carried.

The Sec'y was instructed to procure 6 copies of Morton's Manuel to be paid for out of the funds of the Asso.

The remainder of the time was occupied with reading the first Chap. from the Manuel, and in discussion.

Minutes of Meeting, Jan 17 1890

This meeting was held at the home of the President J; and was opened with the usual devoional exercises.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and accepted. There was no report from the Treasurer; that officer being absent from the city.

The Pres. read a letter from Mrs Avery, and the Constitution of the NationalAmerican Woman Suffrage Asso.

Mrs Johnson read a letter from Mrs Henry telling of work done in Frankfort.

The remainder of the time was occupied with the study of the first two chapters of Morton's Manuel. After which the meeting adjourned.

Last edit 7 months ago by nelliemac
Needs Review


Minutes of Meeting Feb 21st 1890

The meeting was held at the home of the President, and was opened with the usual devotional exercises. The Secretary's report was accepted, as read. The Treasurers report showed a balance on hand of $4.95. Mrs Rogers stated that she was in receipt of a letter from Miss Clay agitating the question of securing for women who desire to study medicine the right to enter the Kentucky colleges of medicine. The subject was then informally discussed: some focusing on annex for women and others insisting that the colleges should open their doors as wide to women as they do for men, admitting them to the secular curriculum.

The Sec'y read a letter from Rev. M. Barker, Gen. Sec. of South Dakota Equal Suffrage Asso., asking this Asso. to render financial help to the cause of Suffrage in South Dak.

The Sec'y was instructed to write, in reply to the letter, that this Asso. was not yet in a position to send financial aid so far from home.

The remaining time was given to the study of our state government, after which the meeting adjourned.

Last edit 7 months ago by nelliemac
Needs Review


Regular Monthly Meeting, April 4th 1890

The Pres. opened the meeting by reading the X41 Psalm, and Dr Cady followed in prayer. The Secretary's report was read and approved. It being the annual meeting, the Treasurers report was of receipts and disbursements for the year beginning with the organization of this Association, March 1st 1889. Disbursements:- Secy's bill for postage, stationery and book, $3.50. Bill for advertising in "Truth" $3.00 $3.55 sent to State Treasurer as membership dues. Total disbursements $10.05. Receipts, 15 membership dues of $1.00 each. Total $15.00 Leaving a balance on hand of $4.95. From a collection taken in the Asso $10.60 was sent to Mrs Henry as aid for her legislative work. This report was accepted.

The Pres. called for the reports of Standing Com's. Mrs Avery as chairman of Comm. on Literature stated, that she had distributed literature in this city and state also in other states, mentioning Kansas and Michigan, from which she had proof of converts made. The Committees on Press, and on Hygiene and Dress were not represented. Mrs Johnson was appointed to serve as a Com. on Press, in place of Mrs Hibbard removed from the city. Mrs Rogers moved that the annual dues should be paid in April. This was seconded, and carried; and members present paid for the ensuing year.

Last edit 7 months ago by MaryV
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