(seq. 95)




Status: Complete

Dr. Miriam Van Waters
Box 99
Framingham, Mass.

Sept. 23, 1945

Dear Doctor:
I was glad to get your fine letters. The Sky Rite
paper is very thin and light but perfectly satisfactory
as the main thing is not the paper but the words on it.
It is also good news that you can safely leave
your mother for a short time without being too anxious.
As time passes you will be able to go on longer
journies and maybe some day not so for distant
you will be able to visit me. What a day that
will be! I'll have to start saving up and remembering
the million and one things I want to talk over with you.
You have quite an honored position at the big
American Prison Conference in New York in November.
It is high time they made you the leading lady in that
field. Apparently they are beginning to use their brains.
Our warden will probably be there and maybe you
and our side will meet him again.
Miss Rice said her present for your birthday will
be a few days late. So don't dare to even think that
we have forgotten this great date, Oct. 4th. I suppose
you can guess the nature of the present - It is not
very much, but some day that will not be the case.
I'll be wishing you every thing good for this special date.
You are no doubt waiting to hear what I know

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