(seq. 96)




Status: Complete

about the developments in Rockford - Well, Doctor
I received a letter from Mr. Blomberg which was about
identical to the one you had.
The states attorney is holding up the case,
but has promised to review the entire matter.
Somehow I feel that he won't hold out too long
against our friends - I don't see how he can. At
any rate we better wait and see if he can be made
to change his attitude. I am writing to Mr. Blomberg
very soon and will stress the importance of Mr.
Weston in this matter. We have to win him over or
at least get him to withdraw all opposition.
I am glad your mother is over the hump
and out of danger - Give her my love as always -
Thank you for telling me about Miss Kelly.
It is now Sunday PM - all day we have had showers.
The weather in general has been too cool for mellons.
Have you ever heard of: "The Florist's Review"
or "The Florists' Exchange"? One is published in Chicago,
the other somewhere in the East. I would like to
have the one published in the East as I shall live there
if I ever get out of here. and it contains everything
about the business end of greenhouses — There is
one obstacle - I understand only Florists can get it.
So look into it and see if there is any way for me to have it.
Say "Hello" to Mrs. Thompson for me and tell her not
to give up all faith in the Rockford people just yet.
The young Hill Billy sounds like a nice companion.
My love and best wishes to you always.

Russell McWilliams 5661-E

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