(seq. 3)




Status: Complete

Tewksbury State Hospital
Tewksbury Mass
May 13th 1953

Dear Dr Van Waters

I guess you think funny
that I did not answer your letter
that I got right after my birthday,
but I did write the following
Sunday and gave it to a nurse
to mail and she forgot to put
it in the mail box and I
never knew anything about it until
yesterday. she took it home and
forgot all about it. I wondered
why you did not answer.

Is Mrs Spence working there
[now?] if so please remember me to her.
I suppose Mir OKeefe and Miss Johnson
is still with you, give them my love.

I must tell you a little [afoot?] about
this place; I can't say a whole lot
of good about it, but I suppose it
could be worse. The real bad part

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