(seq. 4)




Status: Complete


is the unsanitary condition of the whole
place, and the poor food, it don't
begin to be half as good as
Framingham food. they don't have
half enough help either. There is a
little store here that one can buy
things to eat if you have the money.
I must thank you for the dollar you sent
me believe me I had one good
meal and a pack of cigaretts.

My legs have been very bad for
nearly two years but thank the
Lord they are better [now?] but they are
not all well yet. I want to get a
coaple pair of white cotton stockings
that is all the kind I can wear
they have them here in the store
but they are 79c a pair. [Most?] every
one here buy their stockings there, even
the nurses only theres is Nylon's..

Please remember me to every one
there that I know.

Love from

Write [?] as it is lonesome
when you are all alone.

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