(seq. 4)




Status: Complete


Harmony News
Women's Reformatory
Framingham, Mass.

by Barbara Ann Codair


The first day I arrived in this, my temporary home, I felt as so
many other people must have felt; revengful, hateful, and dreadfully

Two months later, I felt the same, only I kept it deep within
myself. One night I saw down, all alone, and repeated over and over,
"Now, Barbara, you know if you had not come here when you did, Heaven
only knows what would have become of you."

I received mail, I lacked nothing, my people came to see me,
"so why be so despondent?"

You know, as bad as some people may say I am, I'm sure that most
of us will agree, and say that there is some good in us; in all of
us. If I lacked a touch of sincerity, If I lacked a touch of
goodness, would God have blessed me with the power to be a mother?

I'm just a kid myself, for I'm but twenty years old; I am of
average intelligence, and enjoy the general things of life.

Now that I am here, I have completed a short story course, two
years of English, and a short course in Basic Psychiatry. I would never have
taken the time to do this outside, and through doing these things, I have
found that I can do things I never know I could do.

I hope that this will not sound like a sermon to you, for I am merely trying
to tell all the men and women, in the same position as I, to keep
the faith, and look at the sunny side of things. We could be out getting
into more trouble, you know.

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