(seq. 5)




Status: Complete

Copy for Dr. Van Waters

May 30, 1946.

Dear Miss O'Keefe,

Just a few lines to you in my liesure
time while I have the opportunity.

I hope you don't think it bold of me
to be writing to you, but there are a few reasons in do-
ing so. firstly because I have always wanted to and
secondly be I owe it to you.

Through your harshness and of the times
you had to punish me, I have foundly woke up.

Now that, I am on my feet and on the
right roads again I have you and Miss Davis to thank as
she is also very understanding.

This letter to you is a letter of kind-
ness, as you have been kind to me in various ways.

You really don't realize but it really
hurt me, when we weren't speaking, and through that hurt
I cast mypride aside to have the true feeling of a friend

And on this day "Memorial Day" I can
truly say I have regained a friend, and a true one, I hope
that I have met with the expectation of being your friend.

I have learned the hard way, but the
hard way is the best, because there is nothing in this
institution that could make me take the rsik of ever
losing your friendship again, and I really and truly mean
every word I am saying.

There must be some kind of maget in
or around you that draws me to you, but what ever "it is".
I can only say is alright as there always comes a time
in anyones life when they need a friend and I had to come
here to find one.


I have no more to say only that I hope
you believe this letter and have trust in me to keep do-
ing better as I will always keep trying (honestly.)

Good night and may God pour all his
blessing upon you.

Tuth M. Coet


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