Schlesinger Library

Pages That Need Review

Miriam Van Waters Papers. Male Prisoner Correspondence, 1927-1971. Correspondence: M, 1938-1939. A-71, folder 614. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

(seq. 37)
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(seq. 37)

I have another idea for your consideration. I have not written home since Mar. 20th. When Miss B. does that to me, I am discouraged. If you will do me the favor of having I don'tking life easy - working on his lessons." You might even say something nice about me. The sec. can fix it up nicely, if she has time. I can write only one letter between now and the third of August - the one on July 17.

Something has been said to the effect (not officially) that we won't be permitted to write to anyone other than relatives. I pray nothing comes of it, because Doctor, you are the person dearest to me, and I care mroe for you than for any one else. Such a rule would mean the end of everything I enjoy and all that I hope for in the future. The is probably nothing to it, but just in case two months go by without a letter from me, you will know what the trouble is. Until then let's forget about it.

I [?] 3 months on my English, but I will now finish it, because the U. of Washington is sending some courses on gardening and floriculture, and I am going to get one on floriculture. It Each lesson will be mailed to the university for correction. I may have to pay postage and possibly buy a book. However, I know little about the details at this time. I"ll tell you more later. My last two English grades were 90 & 91, which isn't at all bad. Where did you go to school for the Ph.D.?

I'll have to give you a sort of I.Q. one of these days to see how smart you are. You are wise enough to catch me in one of the traps I might set for you, but I don't think you would take advantage of it. You would probably be very tolerant and smile inwardly, letting me think I was doing pretty well.

You must take a good vacation this summer if you can get away. Get a good rest with lots of sunshine. Your physical labor should be confined to writing me a letter or two.

Give my best regards to Miss Kelly and Miss Gladding - also the cat. I must prepare for bed, as it's 8:40 P.M. Thanks for not postpoining the letter. Good night and my best thoughts are yours, Doctor.

Always yours, Russell McWilliams 5661-E

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
(seq. 38)
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(seq. 38)

[upside down] EMR file pelase! 8/13/ I ans. longhand and sent 10.00 for birthday.

TO: NAME Dr. Miriam Van Waters STREET & NUMBER Box 99 CITY Framingham, STATE Mass.

CENSORED 6 BOX 1112 Joliet, Illinois

Aug 7, 1938

Dear Dr. Van Water;

I was releived when your letter of July 24 arrived. It explained the delay. What with your many troubles, flood and combination of other worries I think you do well to write often as you do. As the letter came too late, I had already written to Dad. I am sorry about your ruined crops. We have had too much sun - so terribly hot. Your cats did their best to speed up production. I don't suppose their efforts were appreciated though.

Mrs. Thompson came last Sunday afternoon. She saw me at my worst, a week old beard and baggy pants. Only one show per week in this city! I can't help it. She didn't mind tho. We had a very good talk, and I enjoyed her visit so very much. She certainly thinks well of you, Doctor. She is a woman of great knowledge and, I think, depth. We discussed everybody but Stalin. If she should every come again, we will draw and quarter him in short order. Her visit came as a wonderful surprise; I appreciate it very much. I wanted to see her ever since you first told me about her trying to help me.

The Thursday following her visit Mike + family were here. I don't know just how to describe this visit. Somehow things didn't seem just right. The baby is sweet, you would love him. He is able to say a few words, one of which is money, pretty smart! - I received a letter from Marybell today. Dad seems to have some rich woman on the brain. Sis hopes they get married. As for my part I don't care. I suppose she is big and far. I lik em not too tall and preferably slender. Enough of this for the time being.

With all your flood water you could build a house boat and take the girls on an excursion down aroudn the lower fourty. Fresh fish can be cought in your garden.

What name do your girls usually use when referring to the commissary? Mrs. Thompson spoke of it. A very strange name it was. I have forgotten already. She is quite a person so very good hearted. May she live to be hundred. She said you were to teach at

Do not mail currency-Money Orders and Checks accepted. Foodstuffs and Packages are not accepted at any time.

Visits every two weeks by relatives only.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
(seq. 39)
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(seq. 39)

at Columbia for awhile; also you were going to visit her. You are at her house as I write this. So, you probably won't read this until you come home some days or weeks hence.

The Floricultural course from the U. of Washington has been called off. They said it was all a mistake. Some months ago I heard that at Columbia U., they will give a course to a prisoner provided they are convinced he is all seriousness. You might be able to find out if there is any truth in this. It sounded too goo to be true, but no hard in expense in asking.

When Mr. Knight goes to discuss my case with the Governor next year, I wish Miss Binford and Judge Holly would go with him. I have not asked them as yet, but I shall talk it over with Miss B. and see if she will do it. I don't think she has your faith nor your fighting spirit. However, she is well connected in this state. She would never give up the ship once started - to get her started in the problem.

The heat has almost got me. I was sick last week, hard work mixed with games of hand-ball and a blazing sun sapped my strength. I quit playing altogether, rested for a day and am now good as new except for a ten pound loss of weight. Cells are so hot. I shall take it easy with until things cool off.

We caught a swarm of bees on a small tree in the garden and put them behind the greenhouse until a suitable hive can be made. Whew, that's a hot corner!

The seeds from our "snap" have been sown we will know the latter part of January whether we have a new creation.

There is no use of my asking you not to work so hard. You would pay no attention anyway. What are you teaching this time, more lectures? I did not get the papers Mrs. Thompson left for me, some of your speeches, I think they were. I would like to have some, but it is hard t oget anything like that because of our many rules.

You didn't answer my last dozen questions, young lady; neither did I get a letter from you last week. I don't feel badly about it because I know you'll make up for it later on when you have time. Why won't you loaf a little?

Judge Kelly was injured in an auto accident - not seriously though for which I'm thankful I shall turn your pen over at the beginning next time. The treasury is in excellent condition. $9.12. Mike left $2.00. quite a shock. He is back in Melburn at $50. per week.

My regards to Miss Kelly and Miss Gladding - Patsy fogives Bulba for being alive and sends much love to him. My best thoughts ad prayers are yours, Doctor. I'll unite again the 21. You will hear from my sister. Wish I had more space, I have so much to write about. Love and best wishes, Russell McWilliams 5661-E

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
(seq. 40)
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TO: NAME Dr. Miriam Van Waters STREET & NUMBER Box 99 CITY Framingham, STATE Mass.

BOX 1112 Joliet, Illinois August 21, 1938

Dear Dr. Van Waters;

Your fine letter and fat check arrived on my birthday. You never forget. As you know, I had some money already. This will come in handy later on. I don't think you can afford to send me so much. I realize your many obligations, a large family, and not too large a salary must keep your treatury exhausted. I enjoyed your letter very much. SOmethings you wrote pleased me greatly. You have a unique way of saying things. I feel ashamed to say thanks for the letter and check. For you, your friendship which has me equal, and for everything about you, I am more than very thankful

For my birthday, I bought some pies, fudge and nuts - something of an occasion.

Your hope of brining about my release gives me hope. I have much faith in you, Doctor. I read your letters and you seem so strong and brave, I catch your spirit and I then feel as you do. Then, if I can write a letter that pleases you, we are both in fine form.

You have aroused my curiousity! What are these good qualities of mine which Mrs Thompson noticed? I don't suppose you will tell me. Alright for you, young woman! The first good juicy morsel of gossip comes my way shall be withheld until you compromise.

I had a physical examination in 19333 by doctors at the request of Governor Horner. They also gave me a mental examination, tapped me here and there with a small mallet, asked me many questions, and compared one side of my face with the other. I never learned the outcome.

The account of your teaching at Columbia U. was most interesting. Your knowledge must be amazing when you are capable of teachnig such learned scholars. I shall not start an I.Q. contest with you. You would have me in the bag in no time. Do you think there is any hope for the P.G. from New York?

I knew you would find out about the correspondence course. They may not give me one, but again they may do it. I heard they were fine people. It was too great an opportunity to pass up with with out trying. Almost anyone can raise flowers, but there is so much more to it then that.

Do not mail currency-Money Orders and Checks accepted. Foodstuffs and Packages are not accepted at any time.

Visits every two weeks by relatives only.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
(seq. 41)
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(seq. 41)

Like in anything else it's a case of know your business thoroughly or have a lot of money to keep from going under. I'll have just so much money. If I can add the course of study to my experience, I should have a good knowledge of the business. Anyway we can hope they will give us the course.

Friday I received a check $5.00 from Miss Binford. She sent no letter - not one word, just a check. I cannot figure it out. I wish she would write. I may write to her Sept. 4th; I am not sure that I will. If you don't hear from me at that time you will know I did.

Thanks for another visitor. I shall be pleased to see Miss Rice in October. already I anticipate a fine visit with her. As she is your friend, she must be very nice. All of your friends are nice. Miss Kelly, Miss Gladding (I think she ahs a nice cheerful name) and Mrs. Thompson also Miss Drummer. They are all such good people. The effectionate way you speak of your students, sharing their problems, gives the one big family atmosphere. I do hope Mrs. Thompson's party is successful. I am pleased that she thinks I am a pretty good sort. She was very generous with her valuable time. She was with me for about fourty minutes. I had no idea she is such an important person. She spoke of her four fine sons and her daughter. I hope she comes back to her mother completely well before much longer.

I have $21.60 in my account enough to take you to a big league ball game and stuff you to the bursting point with pop corn, peanuts and soda pop! Such a day would probably ruin you! Or we could attend a lecture or some meeting of your choice. To get back to earth, I think I'll buy a pair of shoes for the salvation of my feet. Although my presetn ones are three years old, I have postponed getting a new pair for months. THe state furnishes shoes of course, but one gets wet feet in a greenhouse. At the end of the day, especially during the winter a good bath and a complete change of clothing do much for the prevention of colds and other discomforts.

You were good to write Dad a letter. Sis said she was writing to you.

Patsy is greived that Bulba Van Waters can treat her love so lightly. All because he has a fine plume tail and she has just a little screw tail. Somehow she now believes he is a hair-brained roughneck. She spends most of her time looking for mice or chasing birds or get sleeping on someone's chest.

I am in the best of health. The cool weather has arrived, bringing much needed rain, my appetite has improved, and I should gain some weight. Your letter put me in an excellent frame of mind. So many people forget the little things in life. This is the 21st, the day you write again. Perhaps we are writing at the same time? wish I could write more often as I enjoy it so very much. Is my handwriting too small? I still have so much to write about.

[right] My best wishes, Doctor - always.

Russell McWilliams -5661-E

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
(seq. 42)
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(seq. 42)


TO: NAME Dr. Miriam Van Waters STREET & NUMBER Eagle County, CITY Troutville, STATE Colorado

BOX 1112 Joliet, Illinois September 4, 1938

Dear Dr. Van Waters;

When I read in your letter of Aug. 22 that you were taking a long vacation, I was pleased very much. You work so hard during the whole year. You will be very fit when you come back.

I made a mistake about the check. Mrs. Thompson sent it, not Miss Binford as I wrote in my last letter. I must be getting blind as I looked at the signature twice. The rules do not permit my writing to her; therefore I must ask you to thank you for the check and the kind thoughts which prompted her to write it.

Another new rule just jumped at me from the loud-speaker - "Because of so many visitors lately," visits will be limited to thirty-five minutes. I cannot give you my honest opinion of everything in general. What few visits I may get will be spoiled because of this rule. I wouldn't think of letting Miss Rice go to all the trouble of coming to see me for such a short time. Her loss of time and the tiresome drive down here and back are too much. I appreciate her good intentions. Please thank her for me and tell her to forgit the visit.

What are you writing so early each morning while on vacation? You must tell me all about how you enjoy yourself. Do you dislike baiting your hook with a squirmy old worm? Perhaps you only eat the fish? Naturally, I would like to go along and enjoy the fresh air, sparkling waters, trees, and hills, but as I can't go, I am always pleased when you get away from your work for a good rest. You surely needed a rest, so make the most of it. I guess you will be all alone this winter with everyone going away.

I hardly know what to say about Anna, your cook. She may be too old to go away, or she may have no ambition and be satisfied with just food.

Do not mail currency-Money Orders and Checks accepted. Foodstuffs and Packages are not accepted at any time.

Visits every two weeks by relatives only.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
(seq. 43)
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Your other cook had enough courage to face the world. While I am not condoning her behavior, I like a person who doesn't quit and admit she's beat. You like the new cook and that makes her alright with me.

This is Saturday and it finds me all dressed up with no place to go. Say, what do you think of the new dances? Swingsters, jitter bugs, etc. I beleive the people are becoming more childish. It is absolutely disgusting. I may be behind the times, but I see no sense in acting too much like a fool. What do you think?

I haven't heard from any of my friends for quite awhile, so I can't discuss them. Often, I wonder just how many of these people are really friends. So many have gone over the hill with the wind. You are the only true blue friend, the only one who will always be on hand. Not only at the right time but all the time. At times I have reason to think highly of some one else; at other times I am forced to doubt a little.

I played some handball this afternoon without getting tired. I feel good now. While I have gained little weight if any, I haven't lost lately.

Dad was called back to work last week. They didn't mention your letter. I am wondering if Mike will visit me again. Either way it makes no difference.

You spoke of your good wishes for the coming years. Your thoughts are always so uplifting. I hope all your good wishes are granted. Everything will be wonderful if we can only get me out of here. I beleive you can bring it about in due time, but I know it is going to be very difficult, even for you. Should I keep Atty. Knight from going to the governor? I don't think it would help.

Our young snaps are two inches high and doing very well.

One of Patsy's first pups was here for a few days. She wold have nothing to do with him as she said she was going to set her cap for Bulba or know the reason why.

I can't seem to get my English course finished. I shall study no more English when I complete this course. It isn't very interesting. I won't take anything until Columbia says yes or no.

What does Miss Rice look like? I wish she could have a decent visit.

I am sorry about Mr. Mandins's missing finger. He has a good job working for you.

I must go now, Doctor. I sent my best wishes, thoughts, and if I may, my love. Sincerely, Russell McWilliams 5661-E

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
(seq. 44)
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(seq. 44)




TO: NAME Dr. Miriam Van Waters STREET & NUMBER Box 99 CITY Framingham, STATE Mass.

BOX 1112 Joliet, Illinois September 18, 1938

Dear Doctor;

Many thanks for your fine letter from the mountains. It was very interesting as well as inspiring. I am glad you were nejoying the vacation. I didn't know Mrs. Thompson was with you. What did she think of the wilds?

Almost, I didn't write to you this time, but I weakened at the last minute after rereading your letter. The others can wait a while longer. I intended writing home as Dad has been sick with heart trouble and working against the doctor's orders, but he is feeling so much better, I think he will be alright. I hope so.

Your account of Miss Rice was interesting. I shall be glad to see her, even for only thirty-five minutes, if she doesn't mind the drive here and back. I guess she doesn't. I am out looking for excitement in this day and age. Suppose I am getting too old. Yes, you and I can do a great deal with thirty-five minutes. I might get enough said in that length of time, but I most certainly could not see enough of you in so few seconds. If she explains she is from Frmingham we will have more time - over an hour.

Jack has a good idea. IDdn't we all want to be rich some time or other? I have given up hope and will try to be satisfied with whatever I am fortunate enough to have and I will have all I need.

You were very nice to hope Mikis boy is like me - thank you. I like him very much. I think I injured his papa's feelings when he was here. However, he had it coming for a long time. I usually tos such things over my shoulder.

I hope Columbia lets me have a course. If they say "nothing doing," I will take one of our out of date courses on some other subject - anything to exercise my brain. I have noticed that when I am greatly interested in something, I feel so much better.

This morning I went to the ball park for the second time this year. The boys

Do not mail currency-Money Orders and Checks accepted. Foodstuffs and Packages are not accepted at any time.

Visits every two weeks by relatives only.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
(seq. 45)
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beat the team from downtown 1-0. So you see, it was worth seeing. I think we will have pictures again next month. Sometimes we have a partly good show.

I have been reading up on poultry raising and I find it very interesting. There are so many ways of making an honest living outside. Many times I have wished I knew you before I went astray. I don't think I would ever have been in this mess. Of course, one cannot be too sure of that, but I think just knowing you and absorbing a few of your ideas and thoughts would be a great help, a steadying influence on any person.

I haven't seem Miss Binford for ages. Perhaps we are fortunate in knowing Miss Rice. I always need a good case worker - darned if I don't!

You did not answer my questions just what shall I do with you, Miss? Anyway, you should tel me about Mr. Knight. Should I keep him away from the governor until you and your friends are ready? He might make it harder for you, Doctor. And God knows it is going to be hard enough as it stands. I would feel safer by for if you were in complete charge of every move made. What do you think about it?

This afternoon I played several games of handball, watered some plants, took a shower, and I am now perched on top of my bunk where I usually do my writing.

I read a good book "Jungle Woman." The story takes place many years ago in the Malay jungles. I found a new thrill on every page. Lots of man eating tigers and they ate plenty.

europe is ready for another war - almost any day it will happen and here am I locked up in jail. I would rather be mixed up in a war than be in here.. I don't know just why, but I am against Hitler's outfit. I don't suppose that worries him very much!

Our snaps are six inches high - perhaps, you shall be rich and famous yet. [?]

I am feeling very well this week. Your good letter was responsible for that. When every thing seems wrong, a letter from you makes every thing look bright.

You must tell me all about Sarah's trip and more about your own vacation.

I have given up cigarittes in favor of a pipe. Anyway the pipe isnt so dirty. I think I am gaining a little weight. The nights are almost cold; very good sleeping.

Give my regards to Mrs. Thompson and Miss Rice and oh yes, my other two friends K. & G.

I send you all my best wishes and good thoughts, Doctor.

always yours, Russell McWilliams 5661-E

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
(seq. 46)
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(seq. 46)


TO: NAME Dr. Miriam Van Waters STREET & NUMBER Box 99 CITY Framingham, STATE Mass.

BOX 1112 Joliet, Illinois October 2, 1938

Right On Deck With Good Wishes for a Happy Birthday

May this little dream ship That's drifting on its way, Unload its richest cargo For you on your Birthday!

Do not mail currency-Money Orders and Checks accepted. Foodstuffs and Packages are not accepted at any time.

Visits every two weeks by relatives only.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by dschigiel
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