(seq. 28)




Status: Needs Review


continued so over Sundy until Monday A.M. 10:00 when
the Fever come on again as hard as ever. Well I took another
emetic & wednesday another (as you can imagine me quite cleared out)
eve then called on Dr. Clark & he gave me medicine that broke up
the fever entirely. that was a week ago. I am now so that I
get up about 7 oc, and make out to stay up most of the day--

I was making great calculations about having things so nice
when Susan came home, but I am afraid you will have
to do as all our friends have that have been here to see
us, do your own work and ours too. it doesnt make it
quite so pleasant. but then, maybe I shall be as well as ever
by that time--------- George & Helen Vail are keeping house
in Buffalo, they made me promise I would come out there
and make them a long visit and perhaps go to Niagra Falls
with them as soon as they get settled. Aunt Ann Eliza
visited there one PM while she was in Buffalo, said
they were expecting me every day. I would like to go very mch
but think it hardly possible that I shall go at best before fall.

D. R. sent broadcloth for Father a coat and 9 yds gingham
for, he did not say who, so I am going to have it made
up for me as mother has one. We have made Lorinda dresses one of your
Cashimere--one of my old gingham and one of my lawn,
so she is fitted out very comfortably--she has a visite made of
her old black silk dress--but I expect our peace is ended
until she goes home to make a visit. Her Mother wrote
to her of a certain coat, that she was aquainted with the
Capt & wife and that L. could go & come for nothing--
so you can imagine the stage she is in, guess we shant
let her go until after you come home any way____

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