(seq. 29)




Status: Needs Review


Father has been buying a new horse a colt 3 years old 57 dollars
to be paid next fall, drew in hay yesterday PM. he works well
get him by the side of steady old Grey--Pat & Merritt are in
the hay field, and Father has got some children weeding carrots --
I dont imagine it will look very nice here when you come,
for the pinks and roses are almost all gone now, the
yard has looked beautiful-- I have just taken a walk in
the yard and picked about the last boquet, for this reason-
Most of our cherry trees bear little nearly sour cherries.
but for all that I must eat one or two because they were
sour (I am some like Mother in that respect) & just as I was in
the act of picking them Mr. Mattison came along & said if
I would stop eating these things, he would bring me some worth
eating to night so I expect to have a feast. He is a young
fellow that lives to Mr Fesenden, where I staid to [?]
2 or 3 weeks. they are very wealthy & good people. they
had no daughter living at home, until this spring, one of their
daughters husbands died and left her with one child 3
months old. her name is Augusta Wright, 24 years of age
and a first-rate woman, she has now come home to live--
which makes it very pleasant for me. They have all been very
kind & attentive since I have been sick -- Mrs French said
when she heard I was going to take Lobelia, she come very near
sending right to the City for a homapatha Doct. -- they are so
opposed to Lobelia. But I guess I have got along full as as well and
as fast as I should under their treatment. Now Suse if you
can read this well & good if not it wont make much difference==
The cars are buzzing by for the east. Oh I wish money
grew instead of roses in our yard, dont you

Be so good to put this in the fire as
soon as you read it, if you know what is good for yourself.

no you need'ent
dont want you to

P.S. If Joseph thinks he could enjoy a visit at our
place, I shall be most happy to wait on him,
tell him so. will you?

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