(seq. 27)




Status: Complete

9. The chinese Persimmon Diospyros kaki, far su-
perior to the D. virginiana, because tamed and culti-
vated from time immemorial. It has found its way
to Europe as a green house plant.

10. The Euphoria Litchi, the favourite fruit of the
Chinese, the seeds to be had from Canton

11. The Euphoria longan another species of the same
genus equally cultivated in China, and to be had
from France — Litchi and Longan are the Chinese
names, both are large trees

12. The Arbutus unedo from the south of Europe

13. Arbutus andrachne is native of Greece
Both are beautiful evergreen trees, very showy in
blossom and in fruit

14. Agatophyllum [Agathophyllum] ravensara — One of the most aro-
matic and beautiful trees of the East Africa
now become common in the Isle of France

15. Your weeping willows lose their leaves in winter
but the Schinus molle which has the same appea-
rance and is a more elegant tree is evergreen, and
its leaves are aromatic. It thrives at Lisbon and even
at Rome.

16. The Fraxinus ornus of Italy is a tall tree with flowe
the blossom of the Chionanthus; the manna used in
medicine is furnished by the incisions of its bark. It
will furnish it in S. Carolina. It thrives in Paris
from whence it can be procured and where it is called
Frêne à fleurs — but does not afford manna in such

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