High Point Garden Club Minutes, 1927-1928 (4 of 4)





On May first the Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. Alderman at Sedgefield. The meeting was called to order by the President, and the minutes of the previous meeting read and accepted.

Under the head of old business. Mrs. S. C. Clark reported the City Beautiful Campaign as progressing satisfactorily.

The Garden Party to be given the Convention of the Woman's Club was discussed and members assigned to receive in the garden and home of Mrs. J. D. Cox, hostess for this affair.

As requested by the State President the Constitution and byLaws of the State Garden Club were read.

Besides our officers, Mrs. S. C. CLark and Mrs. King were appointed to attend the State meeting in Winston-Salem.

The Club then visited Mrs. Alderman's garden and lovely grounds and adjourned to meet May 15 with Mrs. W. C. Jones.

Mrs. S. S. Siceloff. Pres. Mrs. D. R. Parker, Sec. pro tem.

Last edit 4 months ago by High Point Museum


The Garden Club met with Mrs. W. C. Jones on May 15. The RollCall revealed twenty-five members present. A plant exchange was a pleasant feature of this meeting.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer had no new items to report.

Mrs. Taylor in reference to the Essay Contest in connection with The City Beautiful Movement reported the Superintendent of Schools as saying that this contest has aroused great interest in the school children. Mrs. S. C. Clark told about the kindergarten children making individual gardens and a community border.

Delegates to the State Garden Club Meeting at Winston-Salem gave most interesting reports. There are eleven clubs in the State organization. Hereafter the attendance will not be limited. The delegates and Presidents will be entitled to vote and to attend the luncheon. County markers have been placed at the main roads into Guilford County and have been paid for by the county commissioners. Clubs are doing special planting around these markers. The special feature of the Meeting was the address by Mr. Wistar of Philadelphia, President of the Iris Club of America. His talk was about early flowering bulbs, and had bought with him many plants to illustrate. Eighty six were present. After the meeting delegates in groups visited a number of the charming gardens of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Gapen is continued as President. Mrs. John Lindsay of the Mid-Week Garden Club was elected VicePresident. Mrs. Bahnson of Winston-Salem, Corresponding Sec. and Mrs. Herbert Royster of Raleigh, Treasurer. Next meeting will

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be in Raleigh.

On motion of Mrs. W. C. Jones voted to appoint a committee to to select a group of Greensboro women and arrange for them to visit one of our meetings. Accordingly Mrs. Alderman, mrs. Jones and Mrs. S. H. Tomlinson were appointed for this service.

As Nominating Committee to bring in names of officers for next year Mrs. Clayton, Mrs. G. W. Clark and Mrs. Harriss were appointed.

Mrs. King and Mrs. J. E. Cox invited members to visit their gardens which were then in their glory.

Mrs. White reported the garden-party was held as planned as a courtesy to the State Federation of Women's Clubs. This was especially appreciated by the visitors and by the local club.

Voted to hold the next program meeting on June 5th. with Mrs. Steele. Mrs. S. C. Clark was asked to arrange about visiting gardens on June 12th.

The program was then given under the leadership of Mrs F. R. Taylor on the general topic of "What to Do when our Bulbs are Done Bloming."

When the meeting adjourned members greatly appreciated seeing Mrs. Jones interesting garden.

Mrs. C. E. Sicelogf, Pres. Mrs. H. A. White, Acting Sec.

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The Garden Club met with Mrs. Steele on June 5th.

The roll-call was in the form of a question-box. Fifteen members were present.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $47.56.

It was announced that the winners in the City Beautiful Essay Contest will within a few days be published.

Mrs. Jones reported that Mrs. Alderman had called a meeting of three or four Greensboro women with our committee. There was much enthusiasm over organizing a Garden Club in Greensboro and probably they will start a large club with sub-groups.

The Nominating Committee reported the following slate:- [some names and positions were inserted between lines and the result is confusing - below is a guess at the correct transcription] Pres. Mrs. S. C. Clark, Vice-Pres. Mrs. J. E. Kirman, Sec. Mrs. H.A. White and Treasurer Mrs. A. S. Parker, Cor. Sec. Mrs. D. R. Parker, Librarian, Mrs. J. E. Cox. The report was [accepted] and the members elected, as nominated.

Mrs. Siceloff made a graceful farewell speech as retiring president. The Club gave Mrs. Siceloff a rising vote of thanks for her efficient service.

An invitation to a flower show to be given by the MidWeek Garden Club on the 8th was read with interest and many of our members will attend.

The visitation of gardens planned for the 12th was indefinitely postponed.

Mrs. Moore conducted a helpful program on Rooting Plants.

Adjourned to meet on June 26th [with] Mrs. Harmon.

Mrs. C. E. Siceloff, Pres. Mrs. H. A. White, Sec.

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