


Status: Complete

The Garden Club met with Mrs. Steele on June 5th.

The roll-call was in the form of a question-box. Fifteen
members were present.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $47.56.

It was announced that the winners in the City Beautiful
Essay Contest will within a few days be published.

Mrs. Jones reported that Mrs. Alderman had called a meeting
of three or four Greensboro women with our committee. There
was much enthusiasm over organizing a Garden Club in Greens-
boro and probably they will start a large club with sub-groups.

The Nominating Committee reported the following slate:-
[some names and positions were inserted between lines and the result is confusing - below is a guess at the correct transcription]
Pres. Mrs. S. C. Clark, Vice-Pres. Mrs. J. E. Kirman, Sec. Mrs. H.A.
White and Treasurer Mrs. A. S. Parker, Cor. Sec. Mrs. D. R. Parker, Librarian, Mrs. J. E. Cox. The report was [accepted]
and the members elected, as nominated.

Mrs. Siceloff made a graceful farewell speech as retiring
president. The Club gave Mrs. Siceloff a rising vote of thanks
for her efficient service.

An invitation to a flower show to be given by the Mid-
Week Garden Club on the 8th was read with interest and many
of our members will attend.

The visitation of gardens planned for the 12th was indef-
initely postponed.

Mrs. Moore conducted a helpful program on Rooting Plants.

Adjourned to meet on June 26th [with] Mrs. Harmon.

Mrs. C. E. Siceloff, Pres.
Mrs. H. A. White, Sec.

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