


Status: Incomplete

For the committee on the llucheon meeting; Mrs. D. H.
Parker reported that arrangements have been made to have
the luncheon at the Country Club at $1.25 a plate. Other
matters about the luncheon were presented and considered.

The Committee on Preservation of Greens reported some pub-
licity through the press. The schools had had some inform-
ation from Washington about a disease among cedars, which
made out work valueless.

Mrs. F. H. Taylor reported 22 roses planted on the High School
fence and that the Good Will Garden Club was to finish the

A unanimous vote of thanks to Mrs. Dalton for her charming
poem,was passed and at the close of the meeting it was again

Mrs. Taylor then gave a general paper on Garden Planning.
She emphazized the value of a plan and the importance of
green and of water in the garden. Both these add to an effect
of coolness, especially when the pool contains a blue lily
reflecting the azure above. Mrs. Siceloff followed in a
delightful informal talk in which she urged not attempting
what is doomed to failure but instead, she advised us to
study what is especially adapted to our climate and conditions.
Mrs. V.A. J. Idol and Mrs. W.C. Jones showed most interesting
plans drawn to scale which they explained briefly. Mrs. Tay-
lor had an interesting painting showing her plan.

Mrs. W.C. Jones, Pres
Mrs. H. A. White, Sec pro tam

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