


Status: Complete

Phaneroscopy 5

that can give a solid basis for whatever further designs
are to be accomplished by means of the knowledge of that truth.
Nevertheless, when we seek to gain a preliminary notion of
what a given science is to be like,— as, of course, the preliminary
notion of any undertaking is indispensible to anybody who proposes
to put it through intelligently,— is to consider the march of science
and the manner of its development,— namely, from knowing in
general outline to knowing in detail,— and to ask upon what
principles is the most general and abstract knowledge in the given field
to be founded and to which other science is ultimately to afford
principles in its lieu. For what is A science? We have defined
Science; now what is A Single science? It is as if, having defined
Business, we were to ask, What must A business be? This last

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