



Status: Complete

Wrote to Mr. F. asking him to send my cable.

September 18, 1922 – Monday
Took the V S. in their orals today & also got the rest of IV.
S. n-bks. to look over, so now they have a clean
slate, & I can begin, when I have time, with the V; I
hate to leave off in the middle of something. Had
News Items or Journal Work, with my V S Eng. today.
They seem to know even less of such matters than
the deaf children I've taught; so shall persue the sub-
ject [subject] again tomorrow. Had another letter from Miss
P; she's broken her watch unfortunately & wanted Mrs.
E. to look in her trunk for a spring; I also got roped in
on the job, tho there was little I could do, but we couldn't
find them. Took R10 over to Ma M. & asked her to buy the
small red bags, parrots, dolls & animals Miss C. wrote
for; she came in this aft with her purchases, which
amounted to R3. I was looking at & examining them
when Mrs. E. called me about going to the meet. at
the Meth. school about medical exams; it's a good
thing she did, other wise don't know when I should
have thought of it, Miss Hollinshed the only other wo-
man [woman] there; I took the 3 old Geog. I'd finished ex-
pecting [expecting] to see Miss Hurden; Mr. H., one Burman & 3
Englishmen present, but she was not; however,
gave them to Mr. E. who is the one most interest-
ed [interested] in them anyhow. Wore my braided voile;
had to take my bath after dinner. Began on the
June no. & read the paper. The Misses Robotham
are coming Friday, but Miss Wilson will not come
till later, probably while we are in R., but Miss P.
writes that she will be here to receive her, so sup-
pose [suppose] she is not staying to Conference.


September 19, 1922 – Tuesday
Took the IV S. in their orals today, but no more note-
books [notebooks]. The H's came over on the motor for awhile, the
"Mrs." for the G. G's. Had a note from Mrs. Currier in-
viting [inviting] me to stay with her during Con. but declined
with thanks telling her I'd made other arrange-
ments [arrangements]. Mrs. E. does not approve of this, & rather in-
sisted [insisted] that I go to Mrs. C., but I've no notion of being
persuaded to change my mind for more reasons
than one. The H's anxious for some of us to go down
in the carriage with them, but Mrs. E. prefers to go in
the ladies only with Mrs. G., while I've a good notion
to go by boat. Also wrote to Miss Davis & Miss Campbell
telling of my plans, so feel relieved to have these 3
communications off hands. Miss George the spec-
ial [special] Eng. teacher in the middle school, is having troub-
le [trouble] with the 6th S. girls; she has my sympathy, tho'
it seems she is overly sensitive, but there is nothing
so wearing I think as constant friction. Am having
trouble with my bowels again. The mosquitoes, which
are bad enough at any time, but are always worse
after rain, have bitten me till my ankles are sore.
The cows in our compound kept me awake for
over two hrs. last night, or rather this morning
from about 1 to 3; I got up twice & clapped my hands
at them; of course I had nothing to throw & didn't
want to call out as I knew I'd scare the teachers,
they are such cowards – especially since the rob-
bery [robbery] which took place before I came; the thieves got
about R2000, the biggest part of which was a pr. of di-
amond [diamond] earrings belonging to Ma Myint. Fixed up

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