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at Nome Cult [Nomi Lackee] or Round Valley to discharge certain duties which he done faithfully, and for so doing he has been sued for damages by a malicious Copperhead Kidnapper and as he truly informs you has attended 3 Courts at Mendocino City & now at the 4th term, taking his witnesses, asking for trial, which the plaintiff has had put off from time to time in view doubtless of wearing the Dr. out, he has already spent a large sum in expences for himself & witnesses besides his own time and council [counsul] fees, and he is desirous to know if the department will allow him pay for the same or whether he must loose it all?
I wrote to him to keep an account of every thing, and as far as posible take voucher & I had no doubt the department would fully indemnify him. I have no doubt but he will beat Abbot the rebel in the suit even before a rebel court as it is but his expenses are great as you can see, Capt. Douglass who is sued with the Dr. is worth nothing -- and pays no attention to the case, & seems entirely willing that the Dr should suffer.
Dr. Melendy proved to be the most valuable man ever on that, or indeed any Reservation as his record proves. The crops which he raised last summer fully establishes his worth to the

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