


Status: Needs Review

the late arrival of the shipment from East
Since its arrival there has been no opportunity to
send any to this reservation and the unusually severe
storms must have occasioned some suffering.

Blankets are the articles they stand most in
need of both on this reservation and throughout the
state. Anticipating that the clothing from the East
would arrive too late for the early storms I purchased
and forwarded 100 prs of cheap blankets in
November to Smith River which will makte them
comparatively comfortable. Mr Wm Bryson having
been commissioned Ind Agent, assumed direction of this
reservation upon the 1st of this month. The farms
have been leased for another year, as it was impossible
to remove the Indians this winter. It is now my
purpose to raise another crop here, and to remove
the Indians as soon as they can be provided for.

At the Hoopa Reservation matters have progressed to
my entire satisfaction. The Indians have been quick
and peaceable to an extent heretofore unknown. The
murders and devastation of property that have filled the district
with horror for years past have entirely ceased and a
degree of security is now felt that has not been approximated
for many years. The principal anxiety
felt has been as to the action of the Dept in regard to
the location of the reservation and this has been shared by
the settlers and the Indians. The former have felt a degree
of uneasiness in leaving their improvements until

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