Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 120)


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Elizabeth Casner at Sep 16, 2021 02:54 PM

Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 120)


Trustees .

The regular meeting of the Trustees was
held at the usual place on

There were present, the President
and Messrs Andrews, Austin, Cheever, Crocker,
Curtis, Nazro & Rand. = 8

The record of the last meeting was read.

Comee report

The President for the Special Committee
appointed at the last meeting to inquire into
the expediency of creating an iron fence
upon the front side of the Stone Farm, of
removing the Stockade fence and intro-
ducing fountains into the Cemetery,
submitted a report in writing of which
the following is a copy _

Inexpedient to erect an Iron Fence

That it is inexpedient to
erect, at present, an iron fence about
the Stone farm _ or to remove the Stockade
fence. _

Expedient to construct Fountains with Reservoirs, &c

That it is expedient to construct
one or more fountains in proper parts of
the cemetery, with jets of water raised
by steam power _ For which object they
recommend the following votes.

That the committee be
authorized to expend a sum not exceeding
one thousand dollars in the construction
of suitable cisterns or reservoirs to contain

Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 120)


Trustees .

The regular meeting of the Trustees was
held at the usual place on

There were present, the President
and Messrs Andrews, Austin, Cheever, Crocker,
Curtis, Nazro & Rand. = 8

The record of the last meeting was read.

Comee report

The President for the Special Committee
appointed at the last meeting to inquire into
the expediency of creating an iron fence
upon the front side of the Stone Farm, of
removing the Stockade fence and intro-
ducing fountains into the Cemetery,
submitted a report in writing of which
the following is a copy _

Inexpedient to erect an Iron Fence

That it is inexpedient to
erect, at present, an iron fence about
the Stone farm _ or to remove the Stockade
fence. _

Expedient to construct Fountains with Reservoirs, &c

That it is expedient to construct
one or more fountains in proper parts of
the cemetery, with jets of water raised
by steam power _ For which object they
recommend the following votes.

That the committee be
authorized to expend a sum not exceeding
one thousand dollars in the construction
of suitable cisterns or reservoirs to contain