Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 121)


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Thom Burns at Mar 17, 2022 02:39 PM

Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 121)


the water necessary for said fountains,.

Steam Engine _ for raising water _

That the same Committee be authorized
to expend a sum not exceeding four thousand
dollars for a steam engine, pipes and other
appurtenances necessary & proper for the con-
struction of one or more fountains as afore-
said provided that the Massachusetts Horticul-
tural Society
shall agree to pay one fourth
part of the expense of said fountains
and their appurtenances not exceeding
_______ dollars."

Upon motion of Mr Crocker
Voted that so much of the report
as relates to the erection of an iron
fence be accepted. _

Upon motion by Mr Crocker
Voted that when this meeting adjourn,
it be to Monday next at 10 o'clock a.m.

Vote to visit Mount Auburn _

Also upon motion by Mr Crocker
Voted that the secretary notify the members
of this board that they are requested to visit
Mount Auburn tomorrow (Sunday, if fair,
if not on Thursday or Friday of this week,
at 4 o'clock P.M. to examine the Grounds
with reference to the proposed introduction
of water, and that carriages be provided.

It was moved by Mr Andrews and sec-

Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 121)


the water necessary for said fountains,.

Steam Engine _ for raising water _

That the same Committee be authorized
to expend a sum not exceeding four thousand
dollars for a steam engine, pipes and other
appurtenances necessary & proper for the con-
struction of one or more fountains as afore-
said provided that the Massachusetts Horticul-
tural Society
shall agree to pay one fourth
part of the expense of said fountains
and their appurtenances not exceeding
_______ dollars."

Upon motion of Mr Crocker
Voted that so much of the report
as relates to the erection of an iron
fence be accepted. _

Upon motion by Mr Crocker
Voted that when this meeting adjourn,
it be to Monday next at 10 o'clock a.m.

Vote to visit Mount Auburn _

Also upon motion by Mr Crocker
Voted that the secretary notify the members
of this board that they are requested to visit
Mount Auburn tomorrow (Sunday, if fair,
if not on Thursday or Friday of this week,
at 4 o'clock P.M. to examine the Grounds
with reference to the proposed introduction
of water, and that carriages be provided.

It was moved by Mr Andrews and sec-