



Status: Needs Review


Lots 3119 & 4390 contain 865 ft, are not under perpetual
care, and are enclosed by a granite curbing, in common
with Lot #3120 (Stickney)

If the Corporation made the exchange, unless Mr Stickney
or his friends would purchase the Lots #3119 & 4390, as they are
large lots, and enclosed in a curbing with another Lot, they
could not be sold as readily as if the curbing were removed.

To remove the curbing from the two Poor Lots, and leave
the Stickney Lots enclosed, moving the steps now common to
both Lots, to the front of the Stickney lot, would probably cost
$125, and when this was done the land could be sold
in two, or perhaps more readily in four, lots of two hundred
feet each, price $450 = (land $250 + perpet. care $150 + grad etc $50),
the sale of the four yielding $1000 for land, 6oo for perpetual care
and $200 for the grading &c.

The $600 would go into the fund for the care of the four
new lots; the $200 would remove the old curbing from lots 3119
4390 and reset it around the Stickney lot #3120, (leaving the
space occupied by the Poor Lots unenclosed) and provide the
necessary corner posts &c to mark the new lots; the $1000 the
proceeds of the land alone, would be available therefore toward
the payment of the new lot selected, one of which costs $1080
and the other $1250.

Yrs truly
J.W. Lovering

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