


Status: Complete

an even scale. The son that came to the father and says,
"You don't go to bed until 11 o'clock, I'm going to stay
out until 11 o'clock" would get no place with Aristotle.
Nor would a junion to a senior relationship. In other
words, common sense again. In science, as in the ninth
point I have here, in the induction/deduction dilemma,
which involves really philosophy of science or logic, or
epistemology most accurately (that is the theory of knowledge),
Aristotle's scientific model is deductive. He says that
the way to work is from first principles which may be
derived inductively, from observation or the first principle
may be conceived by rational processes, such as his induction
of the theory of women's teeth. I general he would take
his fish collection, which was the largest in the world,
and as a marine biologist he would examine these fish and
then come up with certain principles. Like, fish have
gills and then make that known and what follows from that.
This shattered some scientists. It would shatter Dr. Hess,
whom I used to work with, who claimed that science was
inductive, mathematics was deductive. We were doing dimensional
analysis with dimensionless parameters measuring fuel con-
sumption and many of you know that type of work. This idea
of his griped Francic Bacon who wanted to correct his Organum,
that's the name of the volume he did on logic, he held that
to be deductive and Bacon wanted a Novum Organum which would


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