p. 41


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4 revisions
sabern at Jun 03, 2021 05:57 PM

p. 41

Mrs. Jamerson's Drop cakes.

Take three eggs, leaving out one white, beat them in
a pint bowl, "just enough", then fill up the bowl [even?]
full, with milk, and then in enough flour, to make
a thick, but not a stiff batter-bake in earthen cups
in a quick oven-

p. 41

Mrs. Jamerson's Drop cakes.

Take three eggs, leaving out one white, beat them in
a pint bowl, "_just enough_", then fill up the bowl [even?]
full, with milk, and then in enough flour, to make
a thick, but not a stiff batter-bake in earthen cups
in a quick oven-