(seq. 7)


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7 revisions
Judy Warnement at Jul 06, 2020 02:26 PM

(seq. 7)

thread which they had warily attached to the top. I was
much pleased to find you had noticed the phalena which
upside in the tube, I had too observed them & thought it was
they might be on a their larva which feed among the putrid mass. These lepi
doptera I believe are sphinges which you know only fly
at night, at least this is the general habit of the
genus, & screen themselves in the day in these tubes.
I have seen their chrysalis develop in thier usual
covers in the leaves an inch below the brim. How the
sphinges ascend I know not this I know, that most insects
can not pass as against the points of the villi or [spill?]
By good ? we may find the the feet of the species of the sphinx

(seq. 7)