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8 revisions
ameoba at Jul 29, 2018 06:48 PM


from the [coal?] [banks?] to Bersheba
Springs - the [hands?] we sent out
not having quite finishe[d?] it - and
in an hour I raised about one
hundred and twenty five dollars.

The s[urveyd?] will be made in
good [style?]. Ass[ess?] [Mr?] Fo[gy? gg?]
[of?] this f[act?] -

[We?] want to g[ive?] the trustees
some [refreshments?] at Ro[w?]e's [spr-?]
ing as they go to Bersheba - Say the
1st or [2nd?] of July - [Mention?] this to [Mr?]
[Fogy? Fogg?] and ask him if he can [at? cut?] [and?]
[enough?] of [them?] [know?] the [fact?] - [We can?] make
the [arrangement?] for [time?] to stop - look
round and take [some refreshments?]
and then go on to [Bersheba?] [that?]
night. Ask [Mr Fogy? Fogg?] to [write me?]
on this subject.

Yours Truly,
AS C[olyar?]