Student Letters

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Rockwell Keeney Jr 1934 Handwritten Letters

Needs Review


Sun. April 16, 1933 Phillips Academy Andover, Mass.

Dear Mother & Dad:

You awoke on Sunday, April 9, 1911, to find six inches of snow on the ground. On Thursday, April 13, 1933, I went to bed with eighteen inches of snow on the ground. I presume you had some too. Friday, Sat. and to-day have all been pretty fun days. It has been hot, however, and the snow is all almost gone now. The rain and melting snow has made it pretty sloppy as you can well imagine. Baseball games for last Wed. and Saturday had to be postponed & we have had to go inside for practice. Billhart made what might be the last cut Sunday, and if so I guess I'll stick. It certainly feels good to be wearing an Andover uniform even though it might not be for long. I don't know how good the team will be this year. In practice it looks pretty sloppy, but of course, it's only the beginning of the season.

I had to go to classes as usual when I got back, but, even so, I had a chance to get ahead on a lot of my work. I told Bob to write his father what I had to say which he did, I think. Miss [Munn?], I guess, tells a little more about her private affairs than I do, but then, she probably doesn't get kidded about them.

It ^(has) seemed really seemed a pleasure to get back to work this last two weeks, but I don't imagine the feeling will last long. I've had a lot of time to read & other things. Last night

Last edit 4 months ago by MaryV
Needs Review


Phillips Academy Andover, Mass April 30, 1933

Dear Mother & Dad:

I haven't time to write much this morning because at present I am swamped with work. The rating? is far off and everything seems to have come on all of a sudden. I got 89 on my physics exam las week and was second in the class with an average of 61 for the exam. The history prize exam is going to be held in a few weeks and, although I haven't much chance of coming out on top I am going to study for it. I have decided to take my college boards at home instead of up here. We get out of school on Wednesday & my first exam isn't until the following Tuesday. It will be more convenient, I think at home and I'll get just as much studying done.

Baseball has been going on as usual, not much action for me. We lost to the Harvard Jayvees yesterday [15?]-4. Almost everybody except our first string pitcher pitched. Won the track meet by a pretty large score, I think. I guess I'll quote give you some lengthened excerpts from my diary, just to fill up space.

Sun: Had a long "bull session" on religion which lasted from 9:30 until 11:00. It included most of the time ten fellows and Mr. Heely.

Tues: Put too much weight on one side of my seat in geometry class and broke it clean off from the base. [Dr?] Tower didn't even crack a smile.

Wed: Visitied the art gallery for the all by myself this

Last edit about 2 years ago by MaryV
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morning but failed to get the inspiration or whatever you are supposed to get. Slept out on the fire escape for the first time.

Thurs: Mr. Heely had a big party tonight and we all played [backbuck?] in the top hall for about an hour when I should have been studying.

Sat: Had "Madchen in Uniform" for the movie. All the talking was in German with brief English notes written in at the bottom. About six of us sang out on the fire escape when we got back, Mr. Heely being out and having nothing else to do.

Sun. Monty Cochran & I, after sleeping all night on the fire escape, got up at seven, and ran down to Pomp's and took a refreshing dip in the cold water.

Hoping that I have given you the desired information, I remain -- at Andover.


P.S: -- The weekly laundry box gifts are fully appreciated. May no domestic difficulties interfere. I have a [torn?] sweatshirt that I left home. Will you please send it. One of the fellows broke the glass jar you sent. If it isn't too much bother, to get another and send it. I'll send the money in my laundry.

Last edit 4 months ago by chrisb
Needs Review


Phillips Academy Andover, Mass Sept [28?], 1933

Dear Folks:

I realize I am writing off the chosen schedule but you will have to pardon it until I get into my routine. My last letter may have sounded a bit pessimistic -- in fact I don't rember [remember] just what I did say -- but things are turning for the better. You asked about my schedule of studies. The only blot on that is having [Mr.?] Tower again, this time for trig & advanced algebra. He's so dry one feels thirsty upon leaving class. However it gives me an extra hours sleep during the day. Everything else worked out fine, even German which I know I'm going to like.

My status at the Beanery improved the day I sent the other letter. Upon the absence of a capable Upper [Middler?], I was given the job of assistant to Bill Harding. It was only a temporary appointment but if my luck holds out I'll keep the job permanently. I feel guilty getting paid for the little I have to do. Bill and I have more fun than work, and just stand around to see that order is perserved and things run along smoothly. But I suppose there always has to be someone to leave and others to follow.

About my room mate, Fred [Capers?], there is not much to say, except that he is a dandy fellow

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Debo
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Oct 12 1933

Dear Mother and Dad:

As I start this I can't think of much that I have to tell you The soccer game Saturday was a great disappointment to all except the [?] team as we lost the game 4 - 0 I was one of the few that played the whole game but it didn't do us much good. They outplayed us in just about every point, but it served to spur us on to further efforts. Jim has since changed the team all around, but I am still sure of a position. Yesterday we were out practicing from 1:20 to 5:00 I was running for about three hours and it certainly tired me out, but I was not alone in my misery

We won the football game with the Harvard [Fresh?] 7 - 0 It was a great game the touch down being made on an 80 yd run after an intercepted pass. The soccer game was over in time for us to see all except the first quarter.

It must have been wonderful driving up through the mountains, and I certainly would like to go sometime. Perhaps I'll hike up there next year.

I'm working hard on my studies, and I'm getting along well in at least two of them, Trig + German. I haven't had any marks to judge by in the others.

Please inform on conditions of dog and rest of family. I'll probably continue to write on Thursday as I don't have any classes to prepare.


Last edit about 2 years ago by MaryV

Rockwell Keeney Jr 1934 Typed Letters

Needs Review


25 Johnson Hall Phillips Academy Andover Mass. Sum., £ept. 25, 1932 Dear Dad and Mother:

% Here it is Sunday afternoon and all is well. My days of working asia prep are over xEfcK?>a unless i"forget to wear my prep hat or walk down main street. Last night before the movies there was what was supposed to be a prep entertainment in which all preps who volunteered or who were called upon had to entertain. I didn't volunteer my services although I am rather sorry now that I didn't. Afterwards there was a movie program with*"Society Girl" as the nain feature. I understand that there is some sort of entertainment like this every Saturday night(£ mean the movies).

My work ^n the Qining Hall, as I told you in my last letter, is working-out all right. I spend anywhere! from 3/4 to'lj- hours in there counting the time I am eatine. The work is not hard, although / guess it gets BK rather monotonous after a while. I am even trusting myself to carry rsome of the lighter trays with, one hand. 1 won't know definitely until Wed. whether or not I shall he able to get my laundary done UD here. In the meantime I'll probahly send some clothes heme. I am also working in the gym three nights a week tletween 6;30 and 7:30 recording figures for physical exams. Iget 40^ a night and it will nrobably last two or three weeks,i

For studies I am taking Geometry with Mr. Tower, Physics with Mr. Barss, English with Mr. Leonard, fand Amer. Hist, with Mr. Freeman. I told the names of the teachers because you might recognize some of them. I think I'll get along all right with all pf them. Bob is in my English and my Amer. Hist classes] He has been a big help to me since he came, helping me make out my schedule, saving me from a lot of prep work, asdt shoeing me the ropes, etc. Mr. Heely as you know is my house prof. He had us all down lo his r^oms last night to get acquainted and to explain some of the had ice creaT, and cake for refreshments £HK.

This is about all I have to tell you at this moment rules. Vie except +hat I haven't yet found a piano to play on and that I know quite a lot of fellows to speak to but I don't know their names ss yet. x& I]11 make further reports from time to time.

Yours Truly,

. Mr. RocSwell ] &«urt/T<




Last edit 4 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review




"ept. 21, 1932 Phillips Academy Andoveij, Mass.

I Dear Dad

'- *■'■ ■'"»«;'**»»-»

and Mother:

It isn't Sunday yet but I thought you would be glad to hear from me anyway. In the first place I think you-might be interested in my work at the dining hall more commonly known as the Beanery. The first meal I was put in the senior room and only about 12 or 15 came in and did not sit at my table. Thus I had nothing to do except clean off the good food which I had already put on. This morning I had about half a table, this noon, three, and tonight, a full table. I had my job changed from work in the pantry to a waiter's job. If everything goes off as it is planned some lucky seniors are going to have Yours Truly as their [faithful and efficient waiter at(mealtime. The job is not at all hard. We eat from half to tnree-Tortns of an hour before the others and then spend between five and ten minutes setting up the table with butter, milk, etc. We are usually through about a half hour after the common mob starts eating.

My room mate is 0. K. He seems to be a quiet, conscientious fellow who is usually content to be alone. I think I will get along great with him. He had a brother up here last year and we have got a lot of his stuff including a table, books, curtains, pictures, etc. The curtains aren't up yet but nevertheless our room is fixed up pretty well.

Bob dropped in last night when I was in my room. We talked for some time and then went over to Hay's room. His mother came up and stayed overnight. While getting some of their things she got me several things, among them a blotter for my desk, some fruit, cookies and a few other things. I was quite surprised and very much pleased. I spent most of today with 8H& either Bob, Ray, or Norm, or combinations of them. Bob helped me choose my teachers and make put my schedule, although I am not sure that I can get it fixed up just as we have planned.

I saw McDuffee about that laundry job. I haven't found anything definite but there is a chance of getting the Job.

X ujKUjjjt


oc v

Last edit 4 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


Phiilips Academy Andover, 2ass. 0ctober2, 1932 - A*^ .


Dear Dad and Mothere >- ^y I've got quite a lot to tell yd6 in this letter but first I will answer the questions in your last letter. I'm getting along all right in the Dining Hal-l^and haven't as yet soilled any soup down any of the learned^-SBnior' s necks. Furthermore I haven't broken any dishes. Several have dropped tray loads of dishes but I have been fortunate so far. Bob and that fellow I met at camp eat at my tablepretty reg ularly now and several others are beginning to do so. I usu ally $on't have a full table which makes it a lot easier. I-% haven t been here long enough to get acquainted with as many of the fellows who' eat there but I do know a lot of the waiteers We all eat together before the others and it is .easy to get acquainted. / I have decided not to keep a diary and in stead to write to you oftener, if possible, and put more into the letters. I think you will like it better and it will be as easy if not easier for me. I found that I won !t be able to work for the laundary so you had better get the box sent along. It won't cost much as you can see by the amount of postage on the box that I sent hame. We won't have room for the rocking chair. XH'RB gKsifcx R Our room is tiretty well filled up now and we won't need anything else. I think I would like that leather cover. By the way that is an M on it„and it stands for Mines, I think.I have been stuffed up off and on ever since I came up here but I think it's a cold and not hay fever. Yesterday afternoon when I came up to mji room I found a card under my door with Don Timbie's name on it. I was naturally very surprised. Just before supper he and his father whom you have spoken about came into the Commons, and talked with me a while. Don is up here to stay rooming in Abbot House. He is going to work in the Beanery too. Speaking about meeting former acquaintances, I might say that I met Forrie Tilton, the £BXIXK fellow who used to be in our scout troop, and who moved to Andover. He is going to move back to Lynn sometime this week and has asked me to stay at his house some week end. Now for a word about athletics. As I said in my note, I can't play football. Soccer isn't half as interesting in my estimation but I seem to like it more and more every day, probably because I am beginning to know some of the fellows HKH on the team. I will probably be fullback on the first team of our club'/ not because I'm any good but because there are so many who*, are no good. In case you don't know, there are four clubs, tfye -Romans, Saxons, Gauls, and Greeks. I am one of the noble Romans. I have gone in swimming quite a few times but I prcibajbly won't go in much more.because I have started to dress.-^ift* my room instead qf in the gym. The only swimming period is. from^three to four and we don't get through athletics until 3:l5v .Yesterday the New Hampton football team came down to play Andover. vWe^. beat them by a scire of, about 25-0. It was a punk game AfjdoYer used its first three teams.

Last edit 4 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


I have got a job at the games which gives me $1.50 per game. All I have to do is to sit up in the corner of the stands xia and see that no kids clime over or under the fence. I am also in a fe good position to watch the game. There seems to be a very good bunch of fellows in the dorm. Most of them are lower middlers Just out of ^illiamsa Hall, but that doesn't make any difference. There is one fellow that plays the accordian and every so often a bunch of us gets together and sings. There are also about six victrolas.Last Tuesday Mr. Heely invited five of us out to supper at the Log Cabin which is a cabin in the bifd santtuary and where light lunches are served on the half holidays. We had the place to ourselves that evening and had a very enjoyable time. I guess Heely and .^^ his wife take all the fellows out there sooner or later. Last 3B night after the movies, Heely wasn't in and we had a good time. (When the cat's away the mice will play.) One fellow had a jug of cider. That and my cookies and fudge went fast, but I / was fast enough to save some of the cookies. We played the vie until ten. We thought it was time to quit then because they arn't supposed to be played after eight o'clock. I have b'een getting to bed fairly early end haven't had to do much studying. In the morning we get up at 6:15, get dressed and go over to eat and set our tables up, thatis, to put on the milk, fruit,etc. I get out of there about 7:50 , and have time to move my bowels before going to my first class >/ at eig *t o'clock, which by the way is American History, thought to be the hardest course in school. I haven't found it so as yet. Four times a week at nine I have English and at 11, geometry. Between 10 and 11 I have time to do what very little studying I have to do in geometry and if I feel like it, some other subject. My work at noon lasts from about 12:30 to 1:30. At 2:15 we have to be ready for athletics and at 4 o'clock I have physics. Supper is from 5:30 to 6;30 and study hours from 8 tillAo. Between times I can sit around and twiddle my thumbs or do anything else I wan't to do. I usually spend my extra time in the morning in Bob's room. I had my voice tested Tuesday and found out to-day that I am in the choir. The best ones in the choir are then chosen for the glee club which I would like very much to Join. They practice twice a week XHKBI from 7 to 7:45. I have been getting to bed between 10 and 10:30. There are several things which I would like to have sent up to me,s several pairs of old socks fpr athletic use, some nairs of athletic hase (they cost too much up here}, AJ a couple pairs' ofl kkHEktx khaki shorts and some old ferseys *\ if I have any, My athletic supoorters, and a laundry bag as well as a box(an old pillow case is all right). That will be all for to-night my dear readers and if Mother Goose doesn't drop a banana skin in front of Uncle Wiggley and make him slip, I'll write again in the near future.

Last edit 4 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


Phillips Academy Andover, Mass. Nov., 6 1932

Dear Dad and Mother:

I was glad to receive letters from both of you last week, and especially glad to receive) the contents of my laundry box. The cake and fudge were dandy and the curtains make the room look umpteen times better than it did before, I suppose you received a statement about my marks during the week. In case you didn't I'll say that I got honors (over 80) in physics, history, and geometry, and a 78 in English. I got a 99 in a physics eaam Thursday ehich brings my average up to about 90, Don't worry about the 85^ basis. I don't use my typewriter as mu-ch as. I^-wpuid like as we have practically no written work e"xcept a theme once in a great while. I just got through 'wEitjjing one,. I haven't been using it to write your letters because I have been writing them at odd moments during the day and at thos^^times I don't have time to take out my tprewriter.

We haven't played off the crucial game in soccer ydt. Expect to do it to-morrow. The Andover varsity soccer team is still undefeated and has only one game to go, with Exeter. £aw them beat the Tufts Freshmen 7-0 last Wed. It got somewhat momotonous with E all the goals in Andover's favor. Yesterday they beat the 1S.I.T. Freshmen 4-0, keeping ,the record of not being scored upon. The football team was squelched by the New Hampshire Frosh 27-23 -yesterday. Andover had the ball over the goal line another time but it was brought back to £he two foot line and Andover couldn't put it over in two tries. There wer» a lot of long passes and long runs which made the game interesting to watch. The outlook against Exeter isn't so(bright with the game only a week away. Rex Kidd of Exeter is still running wild but I guess Andover is out to stop him. Jim and Bill Haight are planning to come MX>?I up to the game and I suppose I'll see Richard and Dic£ Benner there. *

Heard something about the class at Central fzjom Jim. He was the only one of the old clique that got into offixse. He's had a pretty busy time speaking in assemblies, and in front of the Rotary club. Haight made the Central soccer team. j

I caught a bad cold about lasjt Wed. which made me feel pretty miserafclexfor a couple of days but I doctored it up and it's about all gone now. I practiced on the piano last night instead of going to a bum movj^.e. Borrowed some pieces and had a great time. Heard some negro spiritual singers at CJ. Wajshinton Hall this evening. They toere pretty good, That's about all I can thiflk of now. Ho^ make the Exeter e you'll be able to game.


J Rockwell Keeney, Jr.

Last edit 4 months ago by KokaKli
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