



Status: Needs Review

(Top of Pg. 23)

Sa Samuel Anderson (in blue ink and very large script)
October 5th 1842
The Society assembled at the usual hour and, after the preliminary excercises, attended to the following business - Voted to adopt(crossed out) accept the Consti-tution and bye (sic) laws recommended by the Com. (chosen for that purpose Sept 14th) as the Constitution and Bye (sic) Laws of this Society - Each article was the severally adopted. Voted to tender the thanks of the Society to the Com. (Messrs Avery, Masters and Chase) for the able and impartial manner in which they have performed the laborious duty intrusted (sic) to them. Voted that columns fo the Mirror be subject to criticism for this term.
The following amendment was offered by Mr. Mas-ters and laid on the table for two weeks, Vis. - "If this Soc-ciety shall ever be disolved the library attatched (the etra 't' between the 'ac' has been crossed out) to it shall become the property fo the Institution", "This amendment to remain unalterable."
The Society then listened to criticism by Mr. Hodge, Oration by Mr. Leland, Compo. by Mr. Winn, Declama-tion by Mr. Flint. Mirror by the Editor (Mr. Masters).
On account of the lateness of the hour the debate was postponed till next week. Voted to invite J.C. Smith to become a member fo the Soc. Adjourned.
Cyrus Bartlett, Sec.

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The top of the page is filled in with very large script "Sa Samuel Anderson", in blue ink.
I suspect he is the scrivener with the blue ink that has been used throughout this book, adding punctuation, and other words. hsl, 20230621