




Magnet House Kingsway London W.C2 January 19th 1922

Dear Sir:

Having just finished "Huntingtower" I am hilarious, and want to thank you. In these days of "triangle" stories and "sex stuff" it is a delight that there lives a real yarn spinner, maybe another R.L.S.

You must realize that you have now started something which you must not stop. Dogson has had a taste of life, he is a retired T.B.M. (you must recognize the Americanism Tired Business Man), with wealth, and leisure and a head for business. You cannot keep him quiet. As a so called, T.B.M. although not retired. I must be amused, and I warn you, that unless you continue to record the doings of Dogson, the society of T.B.M.'s will sentence you to be shot at dawn.

Now there is Heritage, a paper maker, probably with an important mill or mills

Last edit over 2 years ago by Stephen



the competition of which must be bad for the German Paper Trust, or some other gang which could be evolved by your fertile brain. Things could happen, Dogson on the spot by a lucky accident, at the height of the trouble school holidays start and the Die Hards could arrive, their wits greatly improved by Caesar and Euclid. Oh! many things could happen to that glorious gang - Remember you haven't yet married Heritage, nor developed the character of Mrs. McCunn under stress, and, many other things.

Sincerely yours,

Rupert Stockwell

John Buchan Esq c/o Hodder & Stoughton Ltd.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Stephen
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