


Status: Complete

Magnet House
London W.C2
January 19th 1922

Dear Sir:

Having just finished "Huntingtower"
I am hilarious, and want to thank you.
In these days of "triangle" stories and
"sex stuff" it is a delight that there lives
a real yarn spinner, maybe another R.L.S.

You must realize that you have now started
something which you must not stop.
Dogson has had a taste of life, he is a
retired T.B.M. (you must recognize the Americanism
Tired Business Man), with wealth, and leisure
and a head for business. You cannot keep
him quiet. As a so called, T.B.M. although
not retired. I must be amused, and I warn
you, that unless you continue to record
the doings of Dogson, the society of T.B.M.'s
will sentence you to be shot at dawn.

Now there is Heritage, a paper maker,
probably with an important mill or mills

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