


Status: Complete

Laureation of
Medical Graduates

It had been agreed at last meeting to confer the Degree of Doctor
of Medicine. After an address had been delivered to the
Graduates by Professor H. Yates, the meeting was closed with
the benediction.

W. Snodgrass, Principal
21 December 1864

Queen's University, 26th April 1864

This day the Senate met & was constituted. Present
Professor Williamson in the chair, Professors Mowat, Fowler,
Bell & Murray.

Graduation in
1. Arts
(a) Bachelor
(b) Master
2. Theology
Doctors D.D.

After the Minutes of the previous meeting had
been read & sustained, the Secretary of the Senate reported
that the following gentlemen, having passed satisfactorily
the prescribed University examinations, were
recommended to the Senate for the Degree of Bachelor
in Arts

With Honours in all the branches:
1. Donald Fraser
2. William McLennan

3. William Bethune with Honours in Classics & Extra

With Honours in Philosophy, Physics
and Natural History
4. Andrew Agnew
Joseph J Bell

5. James Simpson
6. Daniel McGillivray
7. James Whylie with Honours in Philosophy
8. Allan C Renaud
9. John Cameron
10. Evan McAulay

It was further reported that the Senators had agreed
to recommend to the Senate, that the Degree of Masters
of Arts should be conferred on William H Squire,
B.A. & the Degree of Doctor in Divinity on the Rev.
Principal Ross of Dalhousie College, Halifax,
N.S. & on the Rev. Alexander Spencer, Minister
of the Gospel in the city of Ottawa.

The Senate unanimously agreed to adopt the recommendation
of the Senatus & to confer the several specified
Degrees on the gentlemen recommended. It

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