



Status: Complete


Michelangelo is listed in the encyclopedia as a sculptor, a painter,
and an architect. If he had been great in any one of these fields it would
have made him famous but he was one fo the world's greatest painters as
well as one of the world's greatest sculptors and also the principal
Architect of St. Peter's Chruch, in Rome.

He painted in fresco the Sistine chapel. This work is perhaps the most
[wond?]erful mural painting in the world. The ceiling work had to be done by
Michelangelo while laying on his back on the scaffolding.

His statues on the tombs of the Medicis, the statue of David, in Florence,
and the statue of Moses, in Rome, show almost perfection of human form
carved in marble. Indeed some say his perfect technique made him less an
artist that others who were not as good as he in execution. The purpose
of art, such people say, is to produce and impression rather tha accom-
plish a work with scientific accuracy which was what Michelangelo did.

The stone we have in our walls came from the floor of the church
of San Pietro in Vincoli, in Rome, where is the statue of Moses. To see
this statue alone, we believe, is worth the expenses incurred by a trip to

[picutre bottom left statue of a man and written at the bottom: Roma Mose di Michelangelo 656 E. Richter-Roma]

[picture bottom right of statue a woman holding a man? written at bottom of photo: Roma- Michelangiolo- La Pieta (Chiesa di S. Pcitro.)]

[bottom of page picture of a painting]

1110 [handwritten]

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