Alan and Nancy Hooper WW2 correspondence, 1941

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1st Papuan Inf. Battn, Murray Barracks, Port Moresby, Papua, 10th June '41. My Darling Nancy, This letter finds me in much better circumstances than at any time during the past 11 months. I'm sure I need this breathing space to catch up with my education. Before, brawn was more necessary than brain. The more I look at the maze of huts & tents, the more I wonder. Less than 12 months ago it was a wilderness that noone but native hunters ever trod. Sudden developments are customary here, though. Around and about the goldfields milkmen use aeroplanes for delivery. Planes are used especially to take employees to & from work. Some 'dromes are too small for a plane to 'take off' so they drop into gorges to attain flying speed. Some of the most valuable natives were born into cannibalism - many a one could tell you the taste of flesh. Perhaps it's the newness that's most interesting in this territory. Friday night, officers from the 49th are coming here to see a big display of dancing - I can see their mouths wide open at the savage beauty

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xx of it all. Quite often the Bn Ord. Officer from 49th brings down his retinue to let them see the cleanest camp ever seen this side of Europe. They'd stay all day to see our boys drill. It must be the rhythm learnt from dancing. I'm training pretty keenly with my shooting. There's a prize shoot at the end of this month & competition is pretty keen. 34 out of 35 was last Sunday's score. In a rapid shoot I fared pretty well & topped the list. The moon is so bright again tonight it seems a shame to let it be wasted. Only half a mile away a grass fire is burning. Gosh, it's a pretty sight, honey. Later, when the hills are set afire it is not hard to imagine you're in the heart of a city. Flying sparks put firework displays in the shade. The wind is quite cooling & rather too cold to sit minus a shirt. Two of us have begun physical training. Now we do no hard work I think it's very necessary. Wearing a shirt has spoilt my tan so I'm cursed with heat rash. I can quite imagine your Grandma not wanting you to leave her. Can you wonder at her being so proud of you, honey? If one has lived fully, old

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age must be the happiest period in life. Your happiness is quite as much hers, remember. Those who waste their younger & more energetic years would have little happiness to look back on. As regards that rumor you discussed with Clarrie; it was definitely far-fetched. Here in the tropics bodily temperatures under 108° cause no alarm. Fever may have one delirious one day; but it's common to be on duty a day later. I was unlucky in getting it before a minor operation. Once in hospital I was cared for, & quite enjoyed life. I hate myself for spoiling your Xmas, darling. Please don't tell Mum, but Owen's letter covered up my worst week. It was wonderfully thoughtful of him. I could remember him asking me could he help - He said he'd fix things. Owen's my idea of a friend. I can't bear listening to the empty-headed drivel of the many others. Popularity with the weaker? sex is only one of his many accomplishments. Did I tell you that one won one of Pix's beauty competions in Qld, another in Adelaide. He spoke of his writing a stinging reply regarding publicity. I remember Hilda quite well. Does her fiance

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4 unit - either the R.A.A.F. or tank corps The war can only be won with a terrific force of either these units. infantry are merely the pawns (necessary, admittedly) of this crisis. Britishers have made some terrible mistakes in the past - it mustn't continue. As you expect Menzies will do something about the waste of manpower in Australia. Remember when you threatened me for joining the old militia and felt disgusted when I applied for discharge. That militia was the neucleus of this wonderful A.I.F. so my time wasn't wasted even though it isn't recognised. I distrust our yellow neighbours sufficiently to justify my present duties. If anything happens present reflections will be revised. Mum, you can be sure I'll give Nance everything I can afford, & will never see her unappreciated. Maybe I owe something to you & Dad in that respect. Your life will have been worth while if my & the future generations can benefit by your troubles. So many good things I do, are the result of your training - You'll never be dead while I'm still living. I'll write to Hazel next mail, perhaps. Time is so limited. I was pleased to hear from

Last edit 24 days ago by Posbat
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1st Papuan Inf. Battn Murray Barracks Port Moresby Papua 16 June '41

My Darling Nancy The hour is now 8.30 and it is King's Birthday. Remember that wonderful day 12 months ago (and incidentally the night, darling.) We've been through a lot since then, but every lovable incident is yet and always a blissful memory. The scenery was naturally secondary to your youthful radiance. I preferred the faster downhill drives solely because you clung more tightly - such as our coasting down from Beechmont. Our unit celebrated its first birthday with the most colourful and intricate dancing I've seen. The orgy begun with the setting of the sun Friday night & continued until dawn. The performance was repeated Saturday, & supplemented by Port Moresby natives. Every tribe and there are hundreds, each have their characteristic dance the interpretation of which is foreign to their neighbours. Three fat goats were roasted, rice, baked, and ample stew prepared. Both for the boys and their

Last edit 3 days ago by Goldy
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friends. Regalia of every description appeared almost magically to adorn their lithe brown bodies. Orakibas set the ball rolling with a genuine headhunters victory dance. Any one of their gorgeous headdresses would send any girl into raptures and envy. Encircling bands of tiny rare feathers of white, uphold the 'paradises' exotic plumes. The arrangment is faultless, having a swaying tail piece to add its gracefulness. Faces and hair are patterned with Ochres to add character effect. Twenty drums roll out their slow & terrible rhythm to the contortion of their bodies. The artistic savagery that brings out the goose-flesh, makes an marked contrast to the exquisiteness of the dress. Bare except for a sash of tattooed magani-hide, their physique left me in shame of my own. I know your conception of warrior dancing entails unlovely attitudes. Well, if ever I could imitate such gracefulness & lightfastedness, I'd be wasting my time away from Hollywood. The Ioma boys rallied & outclassed the former with mimic hunting of fish, snakes, etc. From them it is easy to picture their problems and means of living for centuries past. Kirvai figure-dancing was art personified. They balance each other in any position, do super jitterbug exhibitions, imitate anything

Last edit 3 days ago by Goldy
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from Ocean breakers to a frog, yet not one weighs less than ten stone. Lastly but not least were a group of mission boys from Hanuabada. I think the average age was only 7 years. No doubt they are born to rhythm, for no one of us Europeans could match them given every tuition. Their huskey voices and thin arms makee them really cute. Actually a native of four years has the brightness of our ten yr. olds why, I don't profess to know. Visitors from tavern & the 49th remembered in 100s. Those represented, mostly were officers & officials. They left with a different complex to when they came, and the credit is to the unit. Talk of dive bombers - I've been under the table a dozen times within the last hour. Huge wogs zoom in, ricochet off the lantern, & collide with me. Were it not for the fact the door is closed I'd be invaded with wallabies, crocs and mosquitoes (that are too heavy to fly - you know - they're not quite as big as an emu) Every now & again I get up & wipe all the wogs away from the lamp glass, then I can see to write for a few more minutes. White ants are a curse too. I've had them swarm onto the chair legs underneath me & gnaw them completely away - though I didn't notice that until I stood up & saw the legs missing.

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Thursday: the Gray's from Mirageda have been staying in Port - they are proud parents of a week old baby. The three young mission families each have babies, now. Remember I was nurse to the other two. While doing shopping yesterday afternoon I met the families and had to find a weak excuse for not visiting them of late. I was invited to dinner & a sober evening's entertainment. The fresh vegetables and rich desserts made me regret my appetite, today. Oh, Nance, you'd love to see the baby - the one in the snap I sent. It just wouldn't stop smiling at me. Every time I went to her, she'd make an effort to talk - all that came out was a little screech. We are denied all privileges of riding in army transports now (except on two nights) so walked home in the lonely darkness In a few minutes I'll be leaving for my duty inspection & shalln't be back before three hours. I enjoy the rides in the night air. The nights have been phenomenally cold this week - the natives feel it keenly. Well, I'm back from duty & it's 12 o'clock. This early mail is an inconvenience. Of all people - Turkey was driver. Both us were amused at the coincidence. His conscience pricked him enough to admit having written you without result. Maybe the long lonely

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bush roads affected him. It pleases me to know you like the gift so much, and are flattered to have you say I have good taste. It was my own selection - after I had had the store turned upside down for my benefit. Incidentally I used my wits to stop their profiteering. I warned you that Grant is no angel but he can act the thorough gentleman. His intellect gave me all the reason for liking him. Grant is the only one that can say he's taken me off the straight & narrow - and then I knew when to stop. I told our Major about the newsreel - he is anxious to know how it looked. The film was taken while Major General Jackson was on tour (a week previous to transferring). Tell me what your impressions were, honey. That chap on leave mustn't be in the infantry. We do not even have their privileges especially of leave. Should anything be seriously wrong at home, no doubt it would be granted now. I appreciate your feelings as regards visiting home. Anyway I'm sure it's best to be understood - you can be so, so charming. What a pity another of your hopes were dashed. What you planned would have been heavenly, darling. I hope to thrill you with some news later, Nance,

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1st Papuan Inf. Battn, Murray Barracks, Port Moresby, Papua 23rd June '41

My divine Sweetheart, Twelve months shall have passed next tuesday, since we embarked on the Orungal. It seems an age though, Nance. I remember every frantic hour with you after I was called back from the Grovely party. That Sunday night will forever be a lovely memory - Is it with you, pet? If we'd only known the lonliness to follow. Quite often I weaken and let my heart get the better of me, but am promising myself to make up the loss before many months. Money is the main factor here in Moresby. Houses are so scarce that a number are using half caste quarters. Civilian wages are only enough to provide comfort, & no one gets less than £10 a week. (I'm getting 3.10.0) I wish some rich uncle would leave me a thousand or so, then I'd be happy in sending for you. Darling if my stay here is to be as long as I now believe, I will send for you - wouldn't we be wonderfully happy. I know you'd prefer to have me home first, but leave is so costly and uncertain. What are your sentiments, Nance. Finance wouldn't offer much till after Xmas of course. I hope for a substantial rise in pay before then.

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