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Status: Complete


394th Meeting Mt. Airy Sep. 28-1906

[?] H. and Sarah T. Miller welcomed a goodly num-
ber of Home Interest members and guests at Mt. Airy on
the evening of Sept. 28-1906. It was decided not to begin
business proceedings until after supper but instead to enjoy
the walk in the gardens while the daylight lasted. The
flower garden especially, where immaculate beds of flourish-
ing foliage, scarlet sage, verbenas and geraniums, unusually
fine canvas, and in a border around the garden old-
fashioned plants of various kinds, delighted the beholder.

Supper was the next enjoyable feature of the occasion
soon after which the meeting settled to hear the minutes
of the former meetings read. The guests present were:
Mrs. Helen Lea, Mrs. Lancaster, Mrs. [Baucs], Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. Smith, Miss Maggie Logan, Miss Frances Slather, Mrs.
Mary Bringhurst, Mae, Marnie, Catherine, and Perle Thomas,
Elizabeth, Virginia, and Rebecca Slather and Miss Ellen

The Forethoughts were borrowed from the Horticul-
tural, Ellen Farquhar giving the suggestions, to [?] rasp-
berry and blackberry bushes very thoroughly now, and to work
cabbage often. To get the ice-houses ready was contrib-
uted by a number of the Home Interest.


[?] Miller asked for the best remedy for the cabbage
worm, and was told to lift a little Paris Green mixed
with air-[slacked] lime on the plants, or to buy salt water or
dry salt.

A discussion about boys smoking on the way from
school followed. Sarah Miller would go to the parents
about it, while others would have the county board
instruct the teachers. Mrs. Lea told of a school in the
north where a new system is being tried - a policeman

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