Page 6




Status: Complete


reports misdemeanors to a judge and jury, and order in this
school is well kept.

Sarah Miller was quite concerned about an over-
flow of fresh water from the bank, in the mud of which
Lucy and her little friends are determined to play. The
doctors present thought it would not harm the children,
but it is just as well not to let them play in it.

It is thought that a pie-plant will not be injured
by bring cut-close to the ground.

Arthur Slather asked what people thought of the
management of the County Fair this year. There seem to
have been more objectionable side-shows than ever before,
and numerous gambling devices. One old farmer gambled
away sixty dollars. It is thought if we persevere in pro-
tecting we will finally succeed in improving affairs. If
there is any evidence place it before the grand jury this
fall, and be sure to get in the petition soon enough.

Cornelia Slather desired to know the merits of steam
and hot water heating, and a [comb] was kept which resulted
in ten in favor of [?], eight for hot water, and the rest
had not had enough experience to express opinions. The
question was asked whether any who had either kind of
heating apparatus would go back to the old way, and all
emphatically would not.

Several plans for disposing of Ben Davis apples were
suggested. One to put in barrels placed in cold storage in
[Washington] at 50 cents a [bbl.] for the season. Leave items
there until spring and get a good price. Another sugges-
tion was to have them picked and cold at home for
one dollar to one-fifty per [bbl.]

It was advised not to cover strawberries with
straw until considerably later than this.

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