Image 37




Status: Complete

The state of China had developed its
military strength in guarding the frontiers
against the nomads of the desert. It is
quite probable that it embodied stray strains
of nomad blood. - Satauette "Develop of China
It is possible that the nomading traits of Shansi
men today is a development of this old trait. - Anon

Points to note in dealing with Chinese:
When you talk to a Chinese and others, listen
at your door; it is often more to drive them
away as to let them stay. It allays suspicions
They think nothing of sending a letter to your

Will yell at you on the street, or talk about
you to others as you pass.

Will enter a room unannounced. Why?
Let outsiders enter mission compound, gather
fuel, or sift coal. It is a custom.
You are only a guest.

3 parts watchman 7 parts master.

Don't sympathize to much over a hurt child.

Don't point at or caress strange children.

Never use physical force.

Never carry revolver - gun never has enough
ammunition. - smile - they smile back.

Two things to emphasize in preaching:
(1) Christianity is not a Western religion
(2) Christianity not a kuei-chii but a ch'in.

Never remind foreigners of faults of servants

When lost things in house hunt for the articles in
presence of servant and say "I wonder where
I laid that thing"

Use li in asking the way 有禮走 [pien?] 天下

Missionaries pray not for what they want but for
what they can.

Take on Chinese name is typical of the adaptation which
every foreigner guest makes in China

Chinese never gloat over a concession you make to them.

Chinese are not snobs.

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