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Status: Needs Review


In China you can ask any question and
also give any answer.
cf. 給了多少錢, ans 沒有給多少錢

It is wise for all to sleep in afternoon.
Two kinds of missionaries those who stay, those who don't.
Those who take naps in afternoon stay.

Never can get out of sight of either a living
or a dead Chinese. If Chinese people were
to hold hands they would encircle the earth ten
times. If they went past you single file the
procession would never end.

Chinese think sullying into a handkerchief and
putting it in pocket very queer + indelicate.

Japanese can detect odors of foreigners, a
Japanese student in America wrote Doctor's
thesis on odors of Westerners. He attached the
odor to the greater amount of meat which
Westerners eat compared to Orientals.

In walking abreast Chinese "sift thru" when meeting others.

When passing a man who is carrying goods on a pole
always pass him on the side where his carrying pole
is not, and you have no difficulty in passing.

Describe customs in cart riding - get off at village
or else get into cart + close blinds. Carts with
women must give way to carts with men. Never lose
temper with a carter.

Overcleanliness in hospitals does not appeal to many
Chinese who sometimes care more for personal freedom
then the rules of hygiene of which they are ignorant.
If reproved they will go to a native doctor where the
standards are not so high. "It is only the very
progressive who have learned to value the rewards of
science enough to pay what they cost in self-discipline
and vigilance. To lose patience - to maintain
standards while loving the hearts of the people - is to
fail of the goal - Educ. Rev. Oct. 1920

Mr. [Stinmeyer?] tells of stopping at an inn
in the early 80ties. The innkeeper sat on the
[kiang?] beside him and asked him his age, country,
occupation, etc. always getting nearer and apparently
more in earnest, finally putting his hand on his

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