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contain the phrase 西河之痛

T'ai Yuan [?] was known as 北京
(Northern Capital) under the T'ang Dynasty
- H.A. Giles

The name 恒 occurs as a surname
in K'ang Hsi dictionary. At time of
Ch'u 國 there was a farmers doctor
named 恒德公 (2nd c. B.C.)

On 木橋街 Street East suburb near
the little east gate is a 三仙 miao dedicated
it is said to 卜子憂,段干木田子方.

Chinese face past 空前絕後
no connections with
past or future - without
ancestors or descendants
cf. their gestures cf 前人 and 後人
cf. phrases, 從前,後來,後世,
後天,"降至今日 down to this time".
Poem by Ch'en Tzu Ang T'ang Dynasty (see Fletcher)
cf. also old saying
former men acted, after
generations handed down.

Fenchow mentioned in Shu Ching
[as?] walled [in?] 376 B.C.
Sung Chih Wen, poet, native of Fenchow,
Giles says 陽 means north of a river
汾陽 then means the country north of
that river. The 陽 side of a hill is the
south side.

汾王之甥 the niece of king Fen, a 歷王
of the Chou dynasty, who was so called from
the river near which he lived after which he
lived after which he was driven from the
throne - Giles 3518

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