


Status: Indexed

April 25, 1958

Dear Mother,

Perhaps writing you this is not wise
but I thought I'd better reiterate what
I told you over the phone, since you were
so upset. I am not angry about your
contacting my doctor. I simply do not think
it was called for. I found out quite by
accident and did not even intend to
mention it to you. I don't resent your
action, but I do think that you were
not in line to do it. Why ask me how I
am, if you feel it necessary to call & ask
my doctor the same question, later, &
without my knowledge? The fact that you
tried to lie about it when I asked you
not to do it again is also in bad taste.
It also destroys all those seemingly
understanding things you wrote not long
ago about how you realized that a mother's
place is to stand by as a friend, once the
children are grown & leading their own
lives. You can't seem to "stand by". It was
with reservation that I gave you the doctor's
name in the first place, but I
thought that you were going to act as your
letters indicated.

Of course, I was nervous when you
& Marie were here. You make me nervous.

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