




May 29, 1958

Dear Mother & Daddy,

We're still waiting for No-Name. It's still moving around quite a bit, so there is a possibility that we have miscalculated. Maybe I'm just different. After all; the hippo has an 18 mo. period of gestation & the elephant goes for 2 yrs. Maybe it's a recessive gene, but more probably, it's just because it's the first baby. Nobody is particularly concerned, but we're getting pretty curious to see what we've produced. I hope you're all calmed down & have called off your trip. We have given it quite a bit of thought, & definitely feel that it would be best for you to wait a month or two after the baby is born to come up together.

All the thank you notes to the [gurruls?] are written. The things they gave us are really lovely, particularly the blankets. Who gave us the two blue blankets, the wool open-type weave, and the orlon one? I have nothing to indicate who they are from. We are really set as far as blankets go, at least until No-Name graduates from a 6 yr. crib. Marge Newby sent a lovely yellow sweater, a very practical 3-yr. size. After all, it won't be an infant for very long. What is the Newby's address? Also, who are Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Harvey Pearson? They sent

Last edit almost 6 years ago by cwhite27


2 us a very nice white chafing dish in a brass stand, & I will acknowledge it as soon as I find out who they are & where they live.

In reply to my thank-you note to Mary Stimpson Lindgren, I received a letter from her husband saying that she died of complications arising from a long bout with cancer, on March 3rd.

Your rich moisture cream is here. I have asked Kevin to stop by & pick it up on the way down. I think he said he'd be leaving Cal around June 1st. If I'm in the hospital when he comes through, he can pick it up there. Is there anything you want or need? All the good things are on sale this time, since its the 72nd anniversary Birthday campaign. If you'd like one of my extra folders for this campaign, I'll send you one. This Campaign ends on June 7th. I get a bang out of the ladies when they ask me when it's due & I tell them "last Thurs." By the way, Avon has just come out with a roll-on deodorant that smells better than any deodorant I've ever seen.

Who has replaced Msrg. Concannon at Good Shepherd, as pastor? I don't think anyone will ever be able to really take his place. He knew more about the parish than the parishoners know about themselves. He surprised me more than once.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by cwhite27


3 One nice thing about the baby coming late, we are really ready. The crib & cabinet for his things are painted, decorated & in place. Mary Lou Golding sent the most fabulous bathinette either of us had ever seen & it's all set up & ready to go with the pockets filled with the required supplies. All the diapers, wash cloths, bath towels, etc. are washed, folded, & stacked for action! The crib is all made up with pad & sani sheeting. We're really pleased with it, & certainly glad we didn't get stuck with a bassinette.

Through a rather complicated geneological process, Jim & I recently became great-aunt & uncle to a recently born addition to Jim's family. A few more years & subsequent additions to our family should really turn the family tree into a grapevine. It's a little early to be thinking of our grandchildren, unless Jeff accidentally becomes a father. With our 6 ft. fence, that's improbable.

We found a terrific shade of yellow paint for the crib & cabinet, edible of course, & we're going to carry out the theme & paint the baby-tenda the same color. The playpen is going to be one of those polyethelyne jobs, probably red, but that will match our diaper bucket, also polyethelyne - very practical stuff.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by cwhite27


4 I recognized that little blue sweater you sent in that package. Thank you very much for sending it. Where did it start? Did you knit it?

We have some really cute announcements. When things finally happen, I'll send you one, also all the ladies who gave us the goodies. We are designing & making a very fancy christening dress, to be worn by all our offspring - one of those jobs with a cathedral train. The other night Jim informed me that he can crochet, something he learned when he was in bed. Such versatility.

Well nothing to do now but wait. Thought you might like to know that things are late, & will probably be still later. We have things to do this weekend, but after that I may fire up the Zundapp & go pick up the doctor. If things haven't started by the time we get to the hospital, I guess we'd better find out about the care & feeding of baby hippos.

Love, Marcia

Last edit 11 months ago by MatyasNiedermeier
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