


Status: Indexed

May 29, 1958

Dear Mother & Daddy,

We're still waiting for No-Name. It's still
moving around quite a bit, so there is a
possibility that we have miscalculated.
Maybe I'm just different. After all; the hippo
has an 18 mo. period of gestation & the
elephant goes for 2 yrs. Maybe it's a recessive
gene, but more probably, it's just because
it's the first baby. Nobody is particularly
concerned, but we're getting pretty curious to
see what we've produced. I hope you're all
calmed down & have called off your trip.
We have given it quite a bit of thought, &
definitely feel that it would be best for you
to wait a month or two after the baby is born
to come up together.

All the thank you notes to the [gurruls?]
are written. The things they gave us are
really lovely, particularly the blankets.
Who gave us the two blue blankets, the
wool open-type weave, and the orlon one?
I have nothing to indicate who they are from.
We are really set as far as blankets go, at
least until No-Name graduates from a
6 yr. crib. Marge Newby sent a lovely yellow
sweater, a very practical 3-yr. size.
After all, it won't be an infant for very long.
What is the Newby's address? Also, who
are Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Harvey Pearson? They sent

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