Untitled Page 91


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2 revisions
dbautista5 at Dec 31, 2018 09:44 PM

Untitled Page 91

many, many were the compliments we
all received and all seemed to have
enjoyed themselves very much so that
they hope it may be repeated.

Mr. Bannister and Mr. Camp-
bell were present and met some of
the girls so that they are at least
a little more acquainted than before.

I wore my pink and cream
dress with powered hair and big
buckles and pink bows on my slippers.

I just received your letter.
You must have had a pleasant time at
your Valentine party.

Our Art Society meets to-
night but I have too mch studying
to do, so cannot go. The subject
is etching and it so helpful to one
to discuss these art terms which are
used so much today.

Mrs. Mary Sheldon Barnes,
wife of Professor Barns, lectured
to us on Raphael last Tuesday night.
As five of the pictures in the
chapel are from this artist, it was
a very helpful lecture. Since Monday
night we have consumed all our time
in study and not till tommorow can
we relex again from it and Saturday
morning must also be put in in study.
This is a terrible place for work.

Lucy Allabach