Untitled Page 5




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Page Five

never attended a more amusing
play and it was very well acted.
I think the play has come from the south
and hence you may not have an
opportuity to see it but if it comes
there by all means go. John & I then
went slumming as they say, seeing the
dance halls but as we had seen it all before
we tired of it and returned to the uptown,
had something to eat and caught a train
for Pally instead of going to a hotel as I
wished to get home and study. Slept
most of Sunday morning and studied
in the afternoon and part of the evening
and didn't queen. I honestly have
never done so little queening since I have
been acquainted in Pally. I wanted
to write this afternoon in time to catch
the 3:01 but as had to go to the
R.R. seminar which I mentioned I
could not do so 7 & hence and writing
now as soon as back from track and
before eating supper. Studied
French with ostrander after the R.R.
seminar + before track. In that R.R.
course he is going to make us do
original work, that is we will go to

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