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Status: Complete

[notation] (Apr. 30, 1894) [/notation]

[preprinted] J. T. COLLIVER, M. D.
950 D Street Telephone 34.
San Bernardino, Cal ... 189

Dear Son John

This is Sunday morning; quite cool and
the wind is blowing real hard. I thought sure I would get t
o go out buggy riding this afternoon but guess I will be obliged
to give it up. I have the tooth ache again this morning but not
so bad as it was last week. I was out to the barn yesterday
but [illegible] tell you it took me some time to walk there
did not know I was quite so weak but [I could see that?]
I am improving very fast the only difficulty with me
is that I can not eat as much as I want. I have a good
appetite and go away from the table hungry. my trip to
Sanfrancisco seems almost like a dream. I was so
disappointed not getting to visit Stanford I wanted to see
where you went to school and go into your room so
I could see it all in my mind after I got home but
I do not suppose I will ever get to see it now perhaps
I may sometime. Grace is coming up to Sanfrancisco
the first of June to stay a month she was here last night.
Mrs Shoup was here and called on me this week I like her
very much she spoke of Paul thinking so much of you.
your Pa wants to write some in this letter so I will not
write much more and give him space as I expect his

[letter continues vertical across the top] letter will be more
interesting than mine.
my tooth is aching so
bad that I can't hardly
think or write.
must stop and put something
in it - after dinner tooth better but grumbles
yet Robe came up with a
new suit on. he and
mother went out in the
wood house I suppose
to have a chat
Pa went to sleep
on the lounge [since?]
and Frank Allen is
out at the barn.
Sister is playing on
the Piano I guess Tide
is getting ready for
mission sunday school.
Sister is getting over
her cold her throat
doesnt seen to bother
her scarcely any. -

John if you are nearly
out of money you must
write for some before you
are entirely out for sometimes
it is not sent right away
so you had better write in
time. I expect your Pa has
written all the news so
I will stop for this time.
glad Cathcart won the debate
tell him I congratulate him.
How does Berrkley feel not so
boastful I imagine.
so glad you will be home soon
Yr affict

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Bottom of page: "she spoke of Paul thinking so much of you" or "she spoke of Paul. Thinking so much of you"
Who is thinking - Paul or the writer?