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Chapter III written during Christmas vacation 75

Then came Albuquerque. On Saturday I explored it superficially; then it was still warm + I could go in shorts and shirtsleeves. It was so exhilarating to be around sunshine after summer had ended in Seattle. I searched out the Spa and went to it on the first available day. There was a dirty book store next door which caused me to ask its owner where the bars were. I found out and the following Friday explored to Loon for five minutes and then headed for Wellington's. It was a pretty good night but at threw up a Dale Colclasurc's apt after drinking too many Tom Collins. He wasn't a bad catalyst for that though. Then I worked another week and went back to Wellington's on Friday, drank too much wine and got sick again at Joe's, also not a bad catalyst. I was becoming disgusted with Albuquerque. But let's not forget eighteen-year-old Buddy Mosier. We played tennis my first Sunday there, after Dale. He is not well off at all except by Albuquerque standards he may be middle class. We went to Harry + Tonto after awhile,

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